The following are registered to attend the conference:
Name | Organization | |
Tariq Afzal | Chameleon Systems. Inc. | |
Gregory E. Allen | Univ. of Texas at Austin | |
Bishnupriya Bhattacharya | Cadence Design Systems | |
Shuvra S. Bhattacharyya | Department of ECE, University of Maryland at College Park | |
Jeff Bier | Berkeley Design Technology, Inc. | |
Joseph Buck | Synopsys, Inc | |
Ken Butts | Ford Research Laboratory | |
Pie Calaguas | HKIT Architects | |
Elaine Cheong | UC Berkeley | |
Alongkrit Chutinan | Emmeskay, Inc. | |
Randy Coverstone | Agilent Technologies, Inc. | |
Daniel Lazaro Cuadrado | Aalborg University | |
John S. Davis II | IBM T.J. Watson Research Center | |
Ed F. Deprettere | Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science | |
Gilbert Edelin | Thales Technologies and Methods | |
Stephen A. Edwards | Synopsys, Inc. | |
John C. Eidson | Agilent Laboratories | |
Johan Eker | UC Berkeley | |
Amir El-Ghoroury | Ellipsis Digital Systems | |
Hassan El-Ghoroury | Ellipsis Digital Systems | |
Phil Ensign | Landmark Graphics | |
Brian L. Evans | University of Texas at Austin | |
Chamberlain Fong | UC Berkeley | |
Murat Guler | Georgia Institute of Technology | |
Soonhoi Ha | Seoul National University | |
Asher Hazanchuk | Altera | |
Dr. John R.Hedstrom | Raytheon | |
Christopher Hylands | UC Berkeley | |
Jorn Janneck | UC Berkeley | |
Stan Jefferson | Agilent Technologies | |
Brian Jentz | Altera | |
Ivan Jeukens | University of Sao Paulo, Brazil | |
Phillip Jung | Western Digital Corporation | |
Muzaffer Kal | DSPIA Inc. | |
Dong-In Kang | University of Southern California | |
Walter Karshat | GlobeSpan, Inc. | |
Zoltan Kemenczy | Research in Motion Limited, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada | |
Bart Kienhuis | LIACS, Leiden University | |
Dohyung Kim | Seoul National University | |
Jon Kim | Agilent Technologies | |
Peggy Kingsley | UC Berkeley | |
Dr. T. John Koo | UC Berkeley | |
Professor Edward A. Lee | UC Berkeley | |
Jie Liu | UC Berkeley | |
Xiaojun Liu | UC Berkeley | |
Christina Lomasney | Isochip, Inc. | |
Arturo Losi | Universita' degli Studi di Cassino | |
Eric Manders | Vanderbilt University | |
Dave Messaros | Agilent Technologies, Inc. | |
Didier Mauuary | Laboratoire des Images et des SIgnaux1 | |
Farhad Mavaddat | University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada | |
James McCarthy | Agile Design, Inc. | |
Tom McClure, SAIC | SAIC | |
Patrick Meyer | Thales Naval Systems Netherlands | |
Alfred A. Mondelli | SAIC (T2-3-1) | |
Theresa Murdock | Ellipsis Digital Systems | |
Sriram Narasimhan | Vanderbilt University | |
Steve Neuendorffer | UC Berkeley | |
Gee M. Ng | Telcordia Technologies, Inc. | |
Hyunok Oh | Seoul National University | |
Marcus Pang | Telcordia Technologies | |
Charles Petrie | Isochip | |
Jose Luis Pino | Agilent Technologies | |
Dominique Ragot | Thales Communications | |
Loganath Ramachandran | Synopsys | |
John Reekie | former Ptolemy postdoc | |
Dwight Richards | Telcordia Technologies | |
Wolfgang Reimer | Virtual Photonics Inc. | |
Stephen Roe | 3S Engineering, LLC | |
Sonia Sachs | UC Berkeley | |
Hasan I. Saleheen | Corning Incorporated | |
Mohamed A. Salem | Ellipsis Digital Systems LLC | |
Hans Schurer | Thales Naval Systems Netherlands | |
Victor Shum | Philips semiconductors | |
Robert Shur | Cadence Design Systems | |
Sean Simmons | Research In Motion Limited, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada | |
Lida Soopikian | Digital Corporation | |
Vason P. Srini | BWRC, UC Berkeley | |
S. Sriram | Texas Instruments | |
Mary Stewart | UC Berkeley | |
Ned Stoffel | Telcordia Technologies | |
Nils Tjernlund | Cadence Design Systems | |
Richard Tobias | QuickSilver Technology, Inc. | |
Khanh Trinh | 5863 Rue Ferrari | |
Arnould Vincent | Thales techniques et methodes | |
Venkat Viswanathan | Landmark Graphics | |
Brian K. Vogel | UC Berkeley | |
Jens Voigt | Radioplan GmbH | |
Marlene Wan | Morphics Technology Inc. | |
Xavier Warzee | Thales Optronique | |
Paul Whitaker | UC Berkeley | |
Mark Wilcutts | UC Berkeley | |
Edward D. Willink | Thales Research Ltd | |
Mike Wirthlin | Brigham Young University | |
Yuhong Xiong | UC Berkeley | |
Takahiro Yamaguchi | Advantest Laboratories Ltd. | |
John C. Zaino | BAE Systems | |
Yang Zhao | UC Berkeley |
Last updated: $Date$
Comments: ptconf01 at ptolemy eecs berkeley edu