The Tenth Biennial Ptolemy Miniconference Program

November 7, 2013, The Wozniak Lounge, 4th Floor, Soda Hall, UC Berkeley.

Note: The titles may change slightly.

Agenda in MS Word and PDF.


8:00 am to 8:30 am

Continental Breakfast

8:30 am to 9:00 am

Tenth Biennial Ptolemy Miniconference, Edward Lee (Berkeley)

9:00 am to 9:20 am

Aspect Oriented Models and CPS, Patricia Derler (Berkeley)

9:20 am to 9:40 am

Aspect-Oriented Fault Modeling and Anomaly Detection, Ilge Akkaya (Berkeley)

9:40 am to 10:00 am

Attack Modeling in Ptolemy: Towards a Secure Design for Cyber-Physical Systems, Armin Wasicek (Berkeley)

10:00 am to 10:30 am


10:30 am to 10:50am

Developing Faithful Models of Body Sensor Networks, Philip Asare, John Lach, and John A. Stankovic (University of Virginia)

10:50 am to 11:10am

Light-Weight Synthesis of Ptolemy Diagrams with KIELER, Ulf Ruegg, Christian Schneider, Christoph Daniel Schulze, Miro Sponeman, Christian Motika, and Reinhard von Hanxleden (University of Kiel)

11:10 am to 11:30am

Modeling user interfaces with Cal and Ptolemy, Hallvard Traetteberg (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)

11:30 am to 12:00 pm

90 second Poster Tweets

12:00 pm to 2:20 pm

Working Lunch and Poster Session

2:20 pm to 2:40 pm

Efficient Schedulability Testing for Ptides, Christos Stergiou (Berkeley)

2:40 pm to 3:00 pm

A Formalization of the Ptolemy II Type System, Chris Shaver, Marten Lohstroh (Berkeley)

3:00 pm to 3:20pm

Web Service Architecture for Composable, Interdisciplinary Applications, Elizabeth Latronico (Berkeley)

3:20 pm to 3:40 pm


3:40 pm to 4:00 pm

BPDF: A Statically Analyzable Dataflow Model with Integer and Boolean Parameters, Vagelis Bebelis, Pascal Fradet, Alain Girault, and Bruno Lavigueur (INRIA)

4:00 pm to 4:20 pm

System-level Synthesis of Dataflow applications for FPGA-based distributed systems, Hugo Andrade, Kaushik Ravindran, Alejandro Asenjo, Casey Weltzin (National Instruments)

4:20 pm to 4:40pm

Dataflow in the Data Center, Adam Cataldo (Wealthfront)

4:40 pm to 5:00 pm

The Ptolemy Project: Advancing System Design, Edward A. Lee (Berkeley)

5:15 pm to 8:00 pm

Reception and Dinner, The Faculty Club, Heyns room

Dinner Speaker: Chamberlain Fong: Claudius Ptolemaeus, Geographer


Ilge Akkaya


Real-Time Machine Improvisation in Ptolemy II

Rajiv Bannerjee

IIS Banglaore

Cyber Physical Systems - Rebirth of System Engineering

David Broman


Precision Timed Compilers

Liangpeng Guo


Bridging Functional and Architectural Aspects by Metro II Semantics

Hokeun Kim


A Tool Integration Approach for Architectural Exploration of Aircraft Electric Power Systems

Eleftherios Matsikoudis

Christos Stergiou


The act Programming Language

Christian Motika1, Steven Smyth1, Reinhard von Hanxleden1, Michael Mendler2

1University of Kiel

2University of Bamberg

SCCharts: Sequentially Constructive Charts

Marten Lohstroh, Edward A. Lee


Backward Type Inference

Chris Shaver, Marten Lohstroh


Taxonomies of MoCs

Stavros Tripakis


Determinate Composition of FMUs for Co-Simulation

Gerald Wang

National Instruments

Communication Storage Optimization for SDF with Access Patterns under Periodic Scheduling and Throughput Constraint

Matt Weber


Self-Organizing Semantic LocalizationSelf-Organizing Semantic Localization

Edmund Widl, Wolfgang Muller, Elsheikh Atiyah, Peter Palensky

Austria Institute of Technology

Linking FMI-based components with Ptolemy II's Discrete Event Domain.

Ben Zhang


Swarm-in-the-loop Simulation and Simulation-in-the-loop Swarm

Michael Zimmer


Timing Predictable Processors as a Platform for Mixed-Criticality Systems