Venue for the Eleventh Biennial Ptolemy Miniconference
The Ptolemy Miniconference will be held on Friday, October 16, 2015 in the Bancroft Hotel in their Great Hall. They are located at 2680 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, CA. This hotel is located directly across the street from campus, on the south side.
The review will start at 8:30 AM with a continental breakfast and registration and end at 5:30 PM. We will have a reception in the same venue following in the program.
There are no specific hotel blocks reserved for the conference.
A comprehensive list of hotels and contact information can be found at the following link:
Berkeley Housing Hotels page.
Below are some of the hotels close to campus that we recommend:
- Hotel Shattuck Plaza
- Close to BART
- Berkeley City Club
- A unique building designed by Julia Morgan.
- Hotel Durant
- An upscale hotel, one block from the conference venue.
If using a GPS or another map program, the address you want to use for the venue is:
2680 Bancroft Way
Berkeley, CA 94720
Getting to the Conference
See the map below for the location of the venue, BART, public pay parking, and the nearest campus shuttle stops.
Note: Parking around the UC Berkeley Campus can be challenging, so we strongly encourage visitors to take public transportation.
Instructions from BART
- If you take Bart, get off at the Downtown Berkeley station.
- Take the
UC Berkeley Shuttle (Perimeter Route) (Cost: $1)
(Note that it is possible to walk from BART to the Bancroft Hotel, but the walk is 20 minutes uphill.)
Pick up the UC Berkeley Shuttle on Shattuck between Center and Addison. Finding the shuttle stop can be a little confusing since Shattuck Ave splits right near BART. The shuttle stop is on the Eastern split of Shattuck and on the east side of the street (toward the hills), near Bank of America. See the map below. - The nearest stop to the conference venue is right after the shuttle turns off College Avenue onto Bancroft Way. The stop is across the street and very near the Bancroft Hotel venue.
- The campus shuttle schedule is as follows: Pick up on Shattuck Avenue at :00 and :30 after each hour. The shuttle should stop at Bancroft Way near the venue at :20 and :50 past each hour. Note that the last bus back to BART is at 7:20pm.
Pay Parking at the Underhill Parking Structure
See the UC Berkeley Public Parking Site for more parking options.
The nearest parking lot for visitors is the "Underhill Lot", located between Channing Way and Haste, just west of College Avenue (there are entrances to the lot off both Channing and Haste). Machines are located in the lot ($20 maximum or hourly). On level P1, the pay machine is located in the northwest corner of the lot (to the far right if you enter from Channing). On level P2, the pay machine is right next to the entrance from Haste. Credit cards are accepted.
PayByPhone Parking offers drivers a convenient alternative to paying at the meter or in the public lots. If you use PayByPhone Parking, the code for Underhill lot is 9472. Go to for further instructions.
Campus map