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1. Introduction

1.1. Modeling and Design
1.2. Models of Computation
1.2.1. Differential Equations
1.2.2. Difference Equations
1.2.3. Finite-State Machines
1.2.4. Synchronous/Reactive Models
1.2.5. Discrete-Event Models
1.2.6. Synchronous Message Passing
1.2.7. Asynchronous Message Passing
1.2.8. Timed CSP and Timed PN
1.3. Choosing Models of Computation
1.4. Visual Syntaxes
1.5. Ptolemy II
1.5.1. Package Structure
1.5.2. Overview of Key Classes
1.5.3. Capabilities
1.5.4. Future Capabilities

2. The Kernel

2.1. Abstract Syntax
2.2. UML Notation
2.3. Ptolemy II Naming Conventions
2.4. Non-Hierarchical Topologies
2.4.1. Links
2.4.2. Consistency
2.5. Support Classes
2.5.1. Containers
2.5.2. Name and Full Name
2.5.3. Workspace
2.5.4. Attributes
2.5.5. List Classes
2.6. Clustered Graphs
2.6.1. Abstraction
2.6.2. Level-Crossing Connections
2.6.3. Tunneling Entities
2.6.4. Description
2.6.5. Cloning
2.6.6. An Elaborate Example
2.7. Opaque Composite Entities
2.8. Concurrency
2.8.1. Limitations of Monitors
2.8.2. Read and Write Access Permissions for Workspace
2.8.3. Making a Workspace Read Only
2.9. Topology Mutations
2.9.1. Structure of Topology Change Request
2.9.2. Directors and Listeners
2.10. Exceptions
2.10.1. Base Class
2.10.2. Less Severe Exceptions
2.10.3. More Severe Exceptions

3. Actors

3.1. Concurrent Computation
3.2. Message Passing
3.2.1. Data Transport
3.2.2. Example
3.2.3. Transparent Ports
3.2.4. Data Transfer in Various Models of Computation
3.2.5. Discussion of the Data Transfer Mechanism
3.3. Execution
3.3.1. Director
3.3.2. Manager
3.3.3. ExecutionListener and ExecutionEvent
3.3.4. Mutations
3.3.5. Composite Opaque Actors

4. Data

4.1. Introduction
4.2. Data Encapsulation
4.3. Polymorphism
4.3.1. Polymorphic Arithmetic Operators
4.3.2. Lossless Type Conversion
4.3.3. Limitations
4.4. Parameters
4.4.1. Values
4.4.2. Variables
4.4.3. Type
4.4.4. Dependencies
4.5. Expressions
4.5.1. The Ptolemy II Expression Language
4.5.2. Functions
4.5.3. Limitations

Appendix: Expression Evaluation

Generating the parse tree
Evaluating the parse tree

5. Graph

5.1. Introduction
5.2. Classes and Interfaces in the Graph Package
5.2.1. Graph
5.2.2. Directed Graphs
5.2.3. Directed Acyclic Graphs and CPO
5.2.4. Inequality Terms, Inequalities, and the Inequality Solver
5.3. Example Use
5.3.1. Generating A Schedule for A Composite Actor
5.3.2. Forming and Solving Constraints over a CPO

6. Types

6.1. Introduction
6.2. Formulation
6.2.1. Type Constraints
6.2.2. Run-time Type Checking and Lossless Type Conversion
6.3. Implementation Classes
6.3.1. Static Type Checking and Type Resolution
6.3.2. Run-time Type Checking and Type Conversion
6.4. Examples
6.4.1. Polymorphic Downsampler
6.4.2. Fork Connection
6.4.3. A Sampler System

Appendix: The Type Resolution Algorithm

7. Plot

7.1. Overview
7.2. User Interface
7.3. File Format
7.3.1. Commands Configuring the Axes
7.3.2. Commands for Plotting Data
7.4. Limitations




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