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ActionWebs: Networked embedded sensor-rich systems
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Group name actionwebs
Title ActionWebs: Networked embedded sensor-rich systems
Summary The objective of this research is to develop a theory of "ActionWebs", that is, networked embedded sensor-rich systems, which are taskable for coordination of multiple decision-

The objective of this research is to develop a theory of "ActionWebs", that is, networked embedded sensor-rich systems, which are taskable for coordination of multiple decision-makers. The approach is to:

  1. Identify models of ActionWebs using stochastic hybrid systems, an interlinking of continuous dynamical physical models with discrete state representations of interconnection and computation.
  2. Algorithms will be designed for tasking individual sensors, based on information objectives for the entire system.
  3. Algorithms for ActionWebs will be developed using multi-objective control methods for meeting safety and efficiency objectives.

Two grand challenge applications for this research are in

  • Intelligent Buildings for optimal heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and lighting based on occupant behavior and external environment;
  • Air Traffic Control for mobile vehicle platforms with sensor suites for environmental sensing to enable safe, convenient, and energy efficient routing.

The intellectual merit of this research stems from a conceptual shift of ActionWebs away from passive information gathering to an action-orientation. This involves: modeling of ActionWebs using stochastic hybrid systems; taskable, multi-modal, and mobile sensor webs; and multi-scale action-perception hierarchies.

The broader impact of the research is in two grand challenge national problems: energy efficient air transportation, and energy efficient, high productivity buildings, and will tackle social, privacy, economic, and usability issues. Integrated with the research is a program of coursework development in networked embedded systems, across stove pipes in EECS, Aero-Astro, Civil, and Mechanical Engineering departments. Outreach objectives include new course design at San Jose State University, and recruiting more women researchers at all age levels, as with the highly successful Girls in Engineering program.

Past meeting presentations





ActionWebs is part of CHESS's Cyber-Physical Systems effort.

Faculty participants:

Based on text from The NSF
Group type Software project Special interest group Administrative group
People involved in this group  
Administrators Christopher Brooks cxh cxh@eecs.berkeley.edu
Edward A. Lee eal
Name hidden by user marys@eecs.berkeley.edu
Members Ilge Akkaya ilgeakkaya ilgea@eecs.berkeley.edu
Anil Aswani aaswani
Hamsa Balakrishnan hamsa
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Christopher Brooks cxh cxh@eecs.berkeley.edu
Sam Burden sburden
Janette Cardoso janette.cardoso janette.cardoso@isae-supaero.fr
Ashwin Carvalho ashwinc
David Culler culler
Stephen Dawson-Haggerty stevedh
John Eidson, Ph.D. john_eidson
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Soheil Ghiasi ghiasi
Jeremy Gillula jgillula
Andrew Godbehere abg34
Haomiao Huang haomiao
Xiaofan Jiang fredjiang
Harshad Khadilkar harshad
Edward A. Lee eal
Hanbong Lee hanbong
Ben Lickly blickly
Martin Maersk martin.maersk
Neal Master neal.m.master
Slobodan Matic matic
Eleftherios Matsikoudis ematsi
Diana Michalek dianam
Prashanth Mohan prmohan
Nikhil Naikal nnaikal
Jorge Ortiz jortiz
Larry Rohrbough lrohrbough
Shankar Sastry sastry
Galina A. Schwartz schwartz
Pranav Shah pranav
Ioannis Simaiakis isimaiak
Christos Stergiou chster
Name hidden by user marys@eecs.berkeley.edu
Jay Taneja taneja
Claire Tomlin tomlin
Michael Vitus vitus
Wei Zhang weizhang
Guests Rita Greeson Rita.Greeson@us.army.mil
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