The theme of the workshop is presenting an overarching view of
methodologies and theories for the design of embedded and critical
systems as it has emerged in the past five years and discussing the
future in terms of the extension of the notion of embedded systems to
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS).
In the overview of the present status of the discipline,
the workshop will address heterogeneous system composition, design
methods based on abstraction and refinement, interface theories,
mapping of abstract entities to implementation platforms and
industrial applications. The presentations will also feature industry
representatives who will give their perspective of what are the gaping
holes in the state of the art in their business segment and how to
bridge academic accomplishments with industrial practice. The
discussion about the extension of the theories and methodologies to
the new generation of CPS will review the necessary steps and a
possible roadmap for research. The discussion will also include public
research organizations. European Community representatives will
provide the state-of-the-art and the research initiatives on embedded
systems in the EU.
8:30 |
Registration (Handled by RTAS)
and Continental Breakfast
9:00-10:00 |
Morning Session 1: What has been accomplished?
9:00 |
Jonathan Sprinkle |
University of Arizona |
"CHESS: Building A Cyber-Physical Agenda on Solid Foundations" |
9:20 |
Edward A. Lee |
University of California, Berkeley |
"Making Time Essential in Computation" |
9:40 |
Janos Sztipanovits |
Vanderbilt University |
"Cyber Physical Systems: New Challenges for Model-based Design | "
10:00 |
10:30-11:30 |
Morning Session 2: What has been accomplished?
10:30 |
Thomas Henzinger |
University of California, Berkeley and
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne |
"Designing Predictable and Robust Systems" |
10:50 |
Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli |
University of California, Berkeley |
"Communication Infrastructure Synthesis and its Application to Cyber Physical Systems: The Intelligent Building case." |
11:10 |
Sanjit A. Seshia |
University of California, Berkeley |
"Teaching Embedded Systems to Berkeley Undergraduates" |
11:30-12:00 |
Funding outlook: Views from the government
11:30 |
Helen Gill |
National Science Foundation |
"Views from the HCSS Agencies" |
11:40 |
Philippe Reynaert |
DG INFSO Embedded Systems |
"Embedded Systems Research in Europe" |
12:00-1:00 |
Lunch (Provided)
1:00-1:40 |
Afternoon Session 1: Evolving Industrial RoadMap on CPS
1:00 |
Nady Boules |
General Motors |
"Reinventing the Automobile: The Cyber-Physical Challenge" |
1:20 |
Clas Jacobson |
United Technologies Corp. |
"Cyber Physical Systems - A Perspective from Building and Aerospace
Systems" |
1:40 |
David Corman |
Boeing |
"CPS in Aerospace. Challenges and Opportunities" |
2:00-2:40 |
Afternoon Session 2: European Research Activity
2:00 |
Werner Damm |
"Enabling innovations through embedded systems: the Artemis approach" |
2:20 |
Roberto Passerone |
University of Trento |
"Multiple viewpoint contracts in SPEEDS" |
2:40 |
3:00-4:40 |
Cyber-Physical Systems Panel
Introduced by
Jonathan Sprinkle (University of Arizona) |
Moderated by
Janos Sztipanovits (Vanderbilt University) |
The panel includes:
4:45 |
4:45 |
Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli |
University of California, Berkeley |
Closing Remarks |
6:30-8:30 |
CPS Week Reception in the Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum
at Washington University in St.Louis (Danforth Campus)
Sponsored by the School of Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis,
and the Center for Hybrid and Embedded Software Systems at UC Berkeley