Bart Kienhuis
UC Berkeley, Dept. EECS
Bio: | Bart Kienhuis received a MSEE from Delft University of Technology in
1994 and he received his Ph.D. from Delft University of Technology in
1999. During his Ph.D., he has worked at Philips Research in Eindhoven
on a design methodology (the Y-chart approach) for high performance
video architectures for consumer products. His primary interest is in
the area of embedded system design with an emphasis on design space
exploration, performance modeling, architectural analysis, and
hardware/software codesign. From 1999 until 2000, Bart Kienhuis was a
Post Doc in
the group of Prof. Edward A. Lee at the University of California at
Berkeley. He is currently an assistant professor in the Computer Systems group.
His current research
interests are:
- Compaan: Compilation from Nested Loop Programs to
Process Networks to facilitate easy mapping of signal processing
applications onto new coarse-grained DSP architectures.
- DesignSpace Exploration: Support for DSE which includes: Data Management,
Visualization, and Design of Experiments.
- Modeling Systems at high levels of Abstraction using concurrency models like Kahn and CSP.