
Specification Mining - New Formalisms, Algorithms and Applications
Wenchao Li

Wenchao Li. "Specification Mining - New Formalisms, Algorithms and Applications". Talk or presentation, 12, November, 2013.

Specification is the first and arguably the most important step for formal verification and correct-by-construction synthesis. These tasks require understanding precisely a design's intended behavior, and thus are only effective if the specification is created right. For example,much of the challenge in bug finding lies in finding the specification that mechanized tools can use to find bugs. It is extremely difficult to manually create a complete suite of good-quality formal specifications, especially given the enormous scale and complexity of designs today. Many real-world experiences indicate that poor or the lack of sufficient specifications can easily lead to misses of critical bugs, and in turn design re-spins and time-to-market slips. This dissertation presents research that mitigates this manual and error-prone process through automation. The overarching theme is specification mining - the process of inferring likely specifications by observing a design's behaviors. In the first part of the talk, I will describe two approaches to mine specifications dynamically from simulation or execution traces. The first approach offers a simple but effective template-based remedy to the aforementioned problem. The second approach presents a novel formalism of specification mining based on the notion of sparse coding, which can learn latent structures in an unsupervised setting. I will discuss tradeoffs and synergies of the two approaches and show how the mined specifications can be used to localize bugs effectively. In the second part of the talk, I will focus on the problem of synthesis from temporal logic specifications. While offering the attractive proposition of correct-by-construction, this synthesis approach completely relies on the user to not only specify the intended behaviors of the system but also the assumptions on the environment. Environment assumptions are especially hard to get right since they are often implicit knowledge and are seldom documented. We address this problem by learning assumptions from the counterstrategies of an unrealizable specification to systematically guide it towards realizability. We further show that, the proposed counterstrategy-guided assumption mining framework enables the automatic synthesis of a new class of semi-autonomous controllers, called human-in-the-loop (HuIL) controllers. Lastly, I will discuss two efforts on broadening the scope of specification mining with human inputs, one through gamification and crowdsourcing and the other through natural language processing.

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  • HTML
    Wenchao Li. <a
    ><i>Specification Mining - New Formalisms,
    Algorithms and Applications</i></a>, Talk or
    presentation,  12, November, 2013.
  • Plain text
    Wenchao Li. "Specification Mining - New Formalisms,
    Algorithms and Applications". Talk or presentation, 
    12, November, 2013.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Wenchao Li},
        title = {Specification Mining - New Formalisms, Algorithms
                  and Applications},
        day = {12},
        month = {November},
        year = {2013},
        abstract = {Specification is the first and arguably the most
                  important step for formal verification and
                  correct-by-construction synthesis. These tasks
                  require understanding precisely a design's
                  intended behavior, and thus are only effective if
                  the specification is created right. For
                  example,much of the challenge in bug finding lies
                  in finding the specification that mechanized tools
                  can use to find bugs. It is extremely difficult to
                  manually create a complete suite of good-quality
                  formal specifications, especially given the
                  enormous scale and complexity of designs today.
                  Many real-world experiences indicate that poor or
                  the lack of sufficient specifications can easily
                  lead to misses of critical bugs, and in turn
                  design re-spins and time-to-market slips. This
                  dissertation presents research that mitigates this
                  manual and error-prone process through automation.
                  The overarching theme is specification mining -
                  the process of inferring likely specifications by
                  observing a design's behaviors. In the first part
                  of the talk, I will describe two approaches to
                  mine specifications dynamically from simulation or
                  execution traces. The first approach offers a
                  simple but effective template-based remedy to the
                  aforementioned problem. The second approach
                  presents a novel formalism of specification mining
                  based on the notion of sparse coding, which can
                  learn latent structures in an unsupervised
                  setting. I will discuss tradeoffs and synergies of
                  the two approaches and show how the mined
                  specifications can be used to localize bugs
                  effectively. In the second part of the talk, I
                  will focus on the problem of synthesis from
                  temporal logic specifications. While offering the
                  attractive proposition of correct-by-construction,
                  this synthesis approach completely relies on the
                  user to not only specify the intended behaviors of
                  the system but also the assumptions on the
                  environment. Environment assumptions are
                  especially hard to get right since they are often
                  implicit knowledge and are seldom documented. We
                  address this problem by learning assumptions from
                  the counterstrategies of an unrealizable
                  specification to systematically guide it towards
                  realizability. We further show that, the proposed
                  counterstrategy-guided assumption mining framework
                  enables the automatic synthesis of a new class of
                  semi-autonomous controllers, called
                  human-in-the-loop (HuIL) controllers. Lastly, I
                  will discuss two efforts on broadening the scope
                  of specification mining with human inputs, one
                  through gamification and crowdsourcing and the
                  other through natural language processing.},
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/1024.html}

Posted by Armin Wasicek on 14 Nov 2013.
Groups: chessworkshop
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