
Backward Type Inference
Marten Lohstroh, Edward A. Lee

Marten Lohstroh, Edward A. Lee. "Backward Type Inference". Talk or presentation, 7, November, 2013; Presented at the 10th Biennial Ptolemy Miniconference.

Backward type inference addresses the problem of inferring type specifications for dynamic data in Ptolemy II by leveraging its existing type inference mechanism. Ptolemy II is statically typed and therefore requires all ports to resolve to a type prior execution. When an actor mediates access to untyped data, or data is subject to unexpected changes, there is no way to reliably infer the type of its output from the actor itself. Manual annotations are tedious and make models more brittle than necessary. The basic idea is to let type constraints imposed by downstream actors determine the type of the otherwise underdetermined output ports of actors that mediate access to untyped resources. This is achieved using additional type constraints between and within actors. Backward inferred types serve the goal of achieving maximally permissive composition, as they are specific enough not to limit composability and general enough not to impose unnecessary constraints on the data. This solution has been implemented in Ptolemy II and the goal of this poster is to familiarize users with its function.

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  • HTML
    Marten Lohstroh, Edward A. Lee. <a
    Type Inference</i></a>, Talk or presentation, 
    7, November, 2013; Presented at the <a
    >10th Biennial Ptolemy Miniconference</a>.
  • Plain text
    Marten Lohstroh, Edward A. Lee. "Backward Type
    Inference". Talk or presentation,  7, November, 2013;
    Presented at the <a
    >10th Biennial Ptolemy Miniconference</a>.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Marten Lohstroh and Edward A. Lee},
        title = {Backward Type Inference},
        day = {7},
        month = {November},
        year = {2013},
        note = {Presented at the <a
                  >10th Biennial Ptolemy Miniconference</a>.},
        abstract = {Backward type inference addresses the problem of
                  inferring type specifications for dynamic data in
                  Ptolemy II by leveraging its existing type
                  inference mechanism. Ptolemy II is statically
                  typed and therefore requires all ports to resolve
                  to a type prior execution. When an actor mediates
                  access to untyped data, or data is subject to
                  unexpected changes, there is no way to reliably
                  infer the type of its output from the actor
                  itself. Manual annotations are tedious and make
                  models more brittle than necessary. The basic idea
                  is to let type constraints imposed by downstream
                  actors determine the type of the otherwise
                  underdetermined output ports of actors that
                  mediate access to untyped resources. This is
                  achieved using additional type constraints between
                  and within actors. Backward inferred types serve
                  the goal of achieving maximally permissive
                  composition, as they are specific enough not to
                  limit composability and general enough not to
                  impose unnecessary constraints on the data. This
                  solution has been implemented in Ptolemy II and
                  the goal of this poster is to familiarize users
                  with its function.},
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/1035.html}

Posted by Marten Lohstroh on 19 Nov 2013.
Groups: ptolemy
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