
Concurrent Games with Tail Objectives
Krishnendu Chatterjee

Krishnendu Chatterjee. "Concurrent Games with Tail Objectives". CSL 06, September, 2006.

We study infinite stochastic games played by two-players over a finite state space, with objectives specified by sets of infinite traces. The games are concurrent (players make moves simultaneously and independently), stochastic (the next state is determined by a probability distribution that depends on the current state and chosen moves of the players) and infinite (proceeds for infinite number of rounds). The analysis of concurrent stochastic games can be classified into: quantitative analysis, analyzing the optimum value of the game; and qualitative analysis, analyzing the set of states with optimum value 1. We consider concurrent games with tail objectives, i.e., objectives that are independent of the finite-prefix of traces, and show that the class of tail objectives are strictly richer than the omega-regular objectives. We develop new proof techniques to extend several properties of concurrent games with omega-regular objectives to concurrent games with tail objectives. We prove the positive limit-one property for tail objectives, that states for all concurrent games if the optimum value for a player is positive for a tail objective Phi at some state, then there is a state where the optimum value is 1 for Phi, for the player. We also show that the optimum values of zero-sum (strictly conflicting objectives) games with tail objectives can be related to equilibrium values of nonzero-sum (not strictly conflicting objectives) games with simpler reachability objectives. A consequence of our analysis presents a polynomial time reduction of the quantitative analysis of tail objectives to the qualitative analysis for the sub-class of one-player stochastic games (Markov decision processes).

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    Krishnendu Chatterjee. <a
    >Concurrent Games with Tail Objectives</a>, CSL 06,
    September, 2006.
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    Krishnendu Chatterjee. "Concurrent Games with Tail
    Objectives". CSL 06, September, 2006.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Krishnendu Chatterjee},
        title = {Concurrent Games with Tail Objectives},
        booktitle = {CSL 06},
        month = {September},
        year = {2006},
        abstract = {We study infinite stochastic games played by
                  two-players over a finite state space, with
                  objectives specified by sets of infinite traces.
                  The games are concurrent (players make moves
                  simultaneously and independently), stochastic (the
                  next state is determined by a probability
                  distribution that depends on the current state and
                  chosen moves of the players) and infinite
                  (proceeds for infinite number of rounds). The
                  analysis of concurrent stochastic games can be
                  classified into: quantitative analysis, analyzing
                  the optimum value of the game; and qualitative
                  analysis, analyzing the set of states with optimum
                  value 1. We consider concurrent games with tail
                  objectives, i.e., objectives that are independent
                  of the finite-prefix of traces, and show that the
                  class of tail objectives are strictly richer than
                  the omega-regular objectives. We develop new proof
                  techniques to extend several properties of
                  concurrent games with omega-regular objectives to
                  concurrent games with tail objectives. We prove
                  the positive limit-one property for tail
                  objectives, that states for all concurrent games
                  if the optimum value for a player is positive for
                  a tail objective Phi at some state, then there is
                  a state where the optimum value is 1 for Phi, for
                  the player. We also show that the optimum values
                  of zero-sum (strictly conflicting objectives)
                  games with tail objectives can be related to
                  equilibrium values of nonzero-sum (not strictly
                  conflicting objectives) games with simpler
                  reachability objectives. A consequence of our
                  analysis presents a polynomial time reduction of
                  the quantitative analysis of tail objectives to
                  the qualitative analysis for the sub-class of
                  one-player stochastic games (Markov decision
                  processes). },
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/235.html}

Posted by Krishnendu Chatterjee, PhD on 13 May 2007.
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