
Assume-guarantee Synthesis
Krishnendu Chatterjee, Tom Henzinger

Krishnendu Chatterjee, Tom Henzinger. "Assume-guarantee Synthesis". TACAS, March, 2007.

The classical synthesis problem for reactive systems asks, given a proponent process A and an opponent process B, to refine A so that the closed-loop system A||B satisfies a given specification ɸ. The solution of this problem requires the computation of a winning strategy for proponent A in a game against opponent B. We define and study the co-synthesis problem, where the proponent A consists itself of two independent processes, A=A1||A2, with specifications ɸ1 and ɸ2, and the goal is to refine both A and A2 so that A1||A2||B satisfies ɸ1 ^ ɸ2. For example, if the opponent B is a fair scheduler for the two processes A1 and A2, and ɸi specifies the requirements of mutual exclusion for Ai (e.g., starvation freedom), then the co-synthesis problem asks for the automatic synthesis of a mutual-exclusion protocol.

We show that co-synthesis defined classically, with the processes A1 and A2 either collaborating or competing, does not capture desirable solutions. Instead, the proper formulation of co-synthesis is the one where process A1 competes with A2 but not at the price of violating ɸ1, and vice versa. We call this assume-guarantee synthesis and show that it can be solved by computing secure-equilibrium strategies. In particular, from mutual-exclusion requirements the assume-guarantee synthesis algorithm automatically computes Peterson's protocol.

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    Krishnendu Chatterjee, Tom Henzinger. <a
    >Assume-guarantee Synthesis</a>, TACAS, March, 2007.
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    Krishnendu Chatterjee, Tom Henzinger. "Assume-guarantee
    Synthesis". TACAS, March, 2007.
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        author = {Krishnendu Chatterjee and Tom Henzinger},
        title = {Assume-guarantee Synthesis},
        booktitle = {TACAS},
        month = {March},
        year = {2007},
        abstract = {The classical synthesis problem for reactive
                  systems asks, given a proponent process
                  <code>A</code> and an opponent process
                  <code>B</code>, to refine <code>A</code> so that
                  the closed-loop system <code>A||B</code> satisfies
                  a given specification ɸ. The solution of this
                  problem requires the computation of a winning
                  strategy for proponent <code>A</code> in a game
                  against opponent <code>B</code>. We define and
                  study the <i>co-synthesis</i> problem, where the
                  proponent <code>A</code> consists itself of two
                  independent processes,
                  <code>A=A<sub>1</sub>||A<sub>2</sub></code>, with
                  specifications ɸ<sub>1</sub> and ɸ<sub>2</sub>,
                  and the goal is to refine both <code>A</code> and
                  <code>A<sub>2</sub></code> so that
                  satisfies ɸ<sub>1</sub> ^ ɸ<sub>2</sub></code>.
                  For example, if the opponent <code>B</code> is a
                  fair scheduler for the two processes
                  <code>A<sub>1</sub></code> and
                  <code>A<sub>2</sub></code>, and
                  ɸ<sub>i</sub></code> specifies the requirements
                  of mutual exclusion for <code>A<sub>i</sub></code>
                  (e.g., starvation freedom), then the co-synthesis
                  problem asks for the automatic synthesis of a
                  mutual-exclusion protocol. <p>We show that
                  co-synthesis defined classically, with the
                  processes <code>A<sub>1</sub></code> and
                  <code>A<sub>2</sub></code> either collaborating or
                  competing, does not capture desirable solutions.
                  Instead, the proper formulation of co-synthesis is
                  the one where process <code>A<sub>1</sub></code>
                  competes with <code>A<sub>2</sub></code> but not
                  at the price of violating ɸ<sub>1</sub>, and vice
                  versa. We call this <i> assume-guarantee
                  synthesis</i> and show that it can be solved by
                  computing secure-equilibrium strategies. In
                  particular, from mutual-exclusion requirements the
                  assume-guarantee synthesis algorithm automatically
                  computes Peterson's protocol.},
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/240.html}

Posted by Krishnendu Chatterjee, PhD on 13 May 2007.
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