
Beyond Zeno: Get on with It!
Haiyang Zheng, Edward A. Lee, Aaron Ames

Haiyang Zheng, Edward A. Lee, Aaron Ames. "Beyond Zeno: Get on with It!". Joao Hespanha, Ashish Tiwari (eds.), 568-582, 3927, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, 2006; From "Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, Proceedings". 3927, ISBN: 3-540-33170-0.

In this paper we propose a technique to extend the simulation of a Zeno hybrid system beyond its Zeno time point. A Zeno hybrid system model is a hybrid system with an execution that takes an infinite number of discrete transitions during a finite time interval. We argue that the presence of Zeno behavior indicates that the hybrid system model is incomplete by considering some classical Zeno models that incompletely describe the dynamics of the system being modeled. This motivates the systematic development of a method for completing hybrid system models through the introduction of new post-Zeno states, where the completed hybrid system transitions to these post-Zeno states at the Zeno time point. In practice, simulating a Zeno hybrid system is challenging in that simulation effectively halts near the Zeno time point. Moreover, due to unavoidable numerical errors, it is not practical to exactly simulate a Zeno hybrid system. Therefore, we propose a method for constructing approximations of Zeno models by leveraging the completed hybrid system model. Using these approximation, we can simulate a Zeno hybrid system model beyond its Zeno point and reveal the complete dynamics of the system being modeled.

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  • HTML
    Haiyang Zheng, Edward A. Lee, Aaron Ames. <a
    ><i>Beyond Zeno: Get on with
    It!</i></a>, Joao Hespanha, Ashish Tiwari
    (eds.), 568-582, 3927, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, 2006;
    From "Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control,
    Proceedings". 3927, ISBN: 3-540-33170-0.
  • Plain text
    Haiyang Zheng, Edward A. Lee, Aaron Ames. "Beyond Zeno:
    Get on with It!". Joao Hespanha, Ashish Tiwari (eds.),
    568-582, 3927, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, 2006; From
    "Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control,
    Proceedings". 3927, ISBN: 3-540-33170-0.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Haiyang Zheng and Edward A. Lee and Aaron Ames},
        editor = {Joao Hespanha, Ashish Tiwari},
        title = {Beyond Zeno: Get on with It!},
        pages = {568-582},
        volume = {3927},
        publisher = {Springer Berlin/Heidelberg},
        year = {2006},
        note = {From "Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control,
                  Proceedings". 3927, ISBN: 3-540-33170-0},
        abstract = {In this paper we propose a technique to extend the
                  simulation of a Zeno hybrid system beyond its Zeno
                  time point. A Zeno hybrid system model is a hybrid
                  system with an execution that takes an infinite
                  number of discrete transitions during a finite
                  time interval. We argue that the presence of Zeno
                  behavior indicates that the hybrid system model is
                  incomplete by considering some classical Zeno
                  models that incompletely describe the dynamics of
                  the system being modeled. This motivates the
                  systematic development of a method for completing
                  hybrid system models through the introduction of
                  new post-Zeno states, where the completed hybrid
                  system transitions to these post-Zeno states at
                  the Zeno time point. In practice, simulating a
                  Zeno hybrid system is challenging in that
                  simulation effectively halts near the Zeno time
                  point. Moreover, due to unavoidable numerical
                  errors, it is not practical to exactly simulate a
                  Zeno hybrid system. Therefore, we propose a method
                  for constructing approximations of Zeno models by
                  leveraging the completed hybrid system model.
                  Using these approximation, we can simulate a Zeno
                  hybrid system model beyond its Zeno point and
                  reveal the complete dynamics of the system being
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/46.html}

Posted by Mary Stewart on 4 May 2006.
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