
Poster Abstract: PtidyOS: An Operating System based on the PTIDES Programming Model
Shanna-Shaye Forbes, Jia Zou, Slobodan Matic, Edward A. Lee

Shanna-Shaye Forbes, Jia Zou, Slobodan Matic, Edward A. Lee. "Poster Abstract: PtidyOS: An Operating System based on the PTIDES Programming Model". Proceedings of the 15th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS), 2009.

Most real-time embedded software is built on programming abstractions that lack precise timing semantics. Our earlier work presented PTIDES, a programming model for distributed real-time software that delivers temporal semantics by exploiting discrete-event model of computation. In this work we introduce work we are doing to develop PtidyOS, a novel lightweight embedded operating system based on PTIDES. In PtidyOS, all event processing is done in interrupt service routines, and we only use interrupts to ensure correct mutually exclusive accesses to memory. Our approach combines PTIDES semantics with traditional scheduling methods. The first implementation leverages EDF scheduling scheme and guarantees correct event order defined by PTIDES. This is achieved without requiring totally ordered event processing. We describe a preliminary implementation on an ARM based microcontroller.

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  • HTML
    Shanna-Shaye Forbes, Jia Zou, Slobodan Matic, Edward A. Lee.
    >Poster Abstract: PtidyOS: An Operating System based on
    the PTIDES Programming Model</a>, Proceedings of the
    15th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications
    Symposium (RTAS), 2009.
  • Plain text
    Shanna-Shaye Forbes, Jia Zou, Slobodan Matic, Edward A. Lee.
    "Poster Abstract: PtidyOS: An Operating System based on
    the PTIDES Programming Model". Proceedings of the 15th
    IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications
    Symposium (RTAS), 2009.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Shanna-Shaye Forbes and Jia Zou and Slobodan Matic
                  and Edward A. Lee},
        title = {Poster Abstract: PtidyOS: An Operating System
                  based on the PTIDES Programming Model},
        booktitle = {Proceedings of the 15th IEEE Real-Time and
                  Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium
        year = {2009},
        abstract = {Most real-time embedded software is built on
                  programming abstractions that lack precise timing
                  semantics. Our earlier work presented PTIDES, a
                  programming model for distributed real-time
                  software that delivers temporal semantics by
                  exploiting discrete-event model of computation. In
                  this work we introduce work we are doing to
                  develop PtidyOS, a novel lightweight embedded
                  operating system based on PTIDES. In PtidyOS, all
                  event processing is done in interrupt service
                  routines, and we only use interrupts to ensure
                  correct mutually exclusive accesses to memory. Our
                  approach combines PTIDES semantics with
                  traditional scheduling methods. The first
                  implementation leverages EDF scheduling scheme and
                  guarantees correct event order defined by PTIDES.
                  This is achieved without requiring totally ordered
                  event processing. We describe a preliminary
                  implementation on an ARM based microcontroller.},
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/539.html}

Posted by Shanna-Shaye Forbes on 24 Mar 2009.
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