
On Relational Interfaces
Stavros Tripakis, Ben Lickly, Tom Henzinger, Edward A. Lee

Stavros Tripakis, Ben Lickly, Tom Henzinger, Edward A. Lee. "On Relational Interfaces". Technical report, UC Berkeley, 8, May, 2009.

In this paper we extend the work of De Alfaro, Henzinger et al, on interface theories for component-based design. Existing interface theories fail to capture functional relations between the inputs and outputs of an interface. For example, a simple interface that takes as input a number n>0 and returns as output n+1, cannot be expressed in existing theories. In this paper we provide a theory of relational interfaces, where such input-output relations can be captured. Our theory supports both stateless and stateful interfaces, includes explicit notions of environments and pluggability, and satisfies fundamental properties such as preservation of refinement by composition, and characterization of pluggability by refinement. We achieve these properties by making reasonable restrictions on feedback loops in interface compositions.

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    Stavros Tripakis, Ben Lickly, Tom Henzinger, Edward A. Lee.
    ><i>On Relational Interfaces</i></a>,
    Technical report,  UC Berkeley, 8, May, 2009.
  • Plain text
    Stavros Tripakis, Ben Lickly, Tom Henzinger, Edward A. Lee.
    "On Relational Interfaces". Technical report,  UC
    Berkeley, 8, May, 2009.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Stavros Tripakis and Ben Lickly and Tom Henzinger
                  and Edward A. Lee},
        title = {On Relational Interfaces},
        institution = {UC Berkeley},
        number = {8},
        month = {May},
        year = {2009},
        abstract = {In this paper we extend the work of De Alfaro,
                  Henzinger et al, on interface theories for
                  component-based design. Existing interface
                  theories fail to capture functional relations
                  between the inputs and outputs of an interface.
                  For example, a simple interface that takes as
                  input a number n>0 and returns as output n+1,
                  cannot be expressed in existing theories. In this
                  paper we provide a theory of relational
                  interfaces, where such input-output relations can
                  be captured. Our theory supports both stateless
                  and stateful interfaces, includes explicit notions
                  of environments and pluggability, and satisfies
                  fundamental properties such as preservation of
                  refinement by composition, and characterization of
                  pluggability by refinement. We achieve these
                  properties by making reasonable restrictions on
                  feedback loops in interface compositions.},
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/584.html}

Posted by Stavros Tripakis on 8 May 2009.
Groups: chess naomi ptolemy
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