
From Boolean to Quantitative System Specifications
Tom Henzinger

Tom Henzinger. "From Boolean to Quantitative System Specifications". Talk or presentation, 6, August, 2009.

The boolean view holds that given a model and a specification, the specification is either true or false in the model. State transition models have been extended to accommodate certain numerical quantities, such as time stamps and probabilities. However, the boolean view of specifications is still prevalent, for example, in checking whether a timed model satisfies a formula of a real-time logic, or whether a stochastic process satisfies a formula of a probabilistic logic. We advocate the fully quantitative view, where a specification can be satisfied to different degrees, that is, the value of a given specification in a given model is a real number rather than a boolean. We survey some results in this direction and present some applications, not only in the timed and probabilistic domains, but also for specifying and analyzing the resource use, cost, reliability, and robustness of a system.

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  • HTML
    Tom Henzinger. <a
    ><i>From Boolean to Quantitative System
    Specifications</i></a>, Talk or presentation, 
    6, August, 2009.
  • Plain text
    Tom Henzinger. "From Boolean to Quantitative System
    Specifications". Talk or presentation,  6, August, 2009.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Tom Henzinger},
        title = {From Boolean to Quantitative System Specifications},
        day = {6},
        month = {August},
        year = {2009},
        abstract = {The boolean view holds that given a model and a
                  specification, the specification is either true or
                  false in the model. State transition models have
                  been extended to accommodate certain numerical
                  quantities, such as time stamps and probabilities.
                  However, the boolean view of specifications is
                  still prevalent, for example, in checking whether
                  a timed model satisfies a formula of a real-time
                  logic, or whether a stochastic process satisfies a
                  formula of a probabilistic logic. We advocate the
                  fully quantitative view, where a specification can
                  be satisfied to different degrees, that is, the
                  value of a given specification in a given model is
                  a real number rather than a boolean. We survey
                  some results in this direction and present some
                  applications, not only in the timed and
                  probabilistic domains, but also for specifying and
                  analyzing the resource use, cost, reliability, and
                  robustness of a system.},
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/612.html}

Posted by Slobodan Matic on 20 Aug 2009.
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