
Resource Interfaces
Arindam Chakrabarti, Luca de Alfaro, Tom Henzinger, Marielle Stoelinga

Arindam Chakrabarti, Luca de Alfaro, Tom Henzinger, Marielle Stoelinga. "Resource Interfaces". In Proc. EMSOFT, LNCS 2855, 117--133, 2002.

We present a formalism for specifying component interfaces that expose component requirements on limited resources. The formalism permits an algorithmic check if two or more components, when put together, exceed the available resources. Moreover, the formalism can be used to compute the quantity of resources necessary for satisfying the requirements of a collection of components. The formalism can be instantiated in several ways. For example, several components may draw power from the same source. Then, the formalism supports compatibility checks such as: can two components, when put together, achieve their tasks without ever exceeding the available amount of peak power? or, can they achieve their tasks by using no more than the available amount of energy (i.e., power accumulated over time)? The corresponding quantitative questions that our algorithms answer are the following: what is the amount of peak power necessary for two components to be put together? what is the corresponding amount of energy? To solve these questions, we model interfaces with resource requirements as games with quantitative objectives, where each state is labeled by a number representing, for example, power consumption. We present solutions for several finite and infinite games not found in the literature. We illustrate the methodology by modeling compatibility questions for networks of embedded motes, and for software modules controlling Lego robots.

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  • HTML
    Arindam Chakrabarti, Luca de Alfaro, Tom Henzinger, Marielle
    Stoelinga. <a
    >Resource Interfaces</a>, In Proc. EMSOFT, LNCS
    2855, 117--133, 2002.
  • Plain text
    Arindam Chakrabarti, Luca de Alfaro, Tom Henzinger, Marielle
    Stoelinga. "Resource Interfaces". In Proc. EMSOFT,
    LNCS 2855, 117--133, 2002.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Arindam Chakrabarti and Luca de Alfaro and Tom
                  Henzinger and Marielle Stoelinga},
        title = {Resource Interfaces},
        booktitle = {In Proc. EMSOFT, LNCS 2855},
        pages = {117--133},
        year = {2002},
        abstract = { We present a formalism for specifying component
                  interfaces that expose component requirements on
                  limited resources. The formalism permits an
                  algorithmic check if two or more components, when
                  put together, exceed the available resources.
                  Moreover, the formalism can be used to compute the
                  quantity of resources necessary for satisfying the
                  requirements of a collection of components. The
                  formalism can be instantiated in several ways. For
                  example, several components may draw power from
                  the same source. Then, the formalism supports
                  compatibility checks such as: can two components,
                  when put together, achieve their tasks without
                  ever exceeding the available amount of peak power?
                  or, can they achieve their tasks by using no more
                  than the available amount of energy (i.e., power
                  accumulated over time)? The corresponding
                  quantitative questions that our algorithms answer
                  are the following: what is the amount of peak
                  power necessary for two components to be put
                  together? what is the corresponding amount of
                  energy? To solve these questions, we model
                  interfaces with resource requirements as games
                  with quantitative objectives, where each state is
                  labeled by a number representing, for example,
                  power consumption. We present solutions for
                  several finite and infinite games not found in the
                  literature. We illustrate the methodology by
                  modeling compatibility questions for networks of
                  embedded motes, and for software modules
                  controlling Lego robots.},
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/728.html}

Posted by Christopher Brooks on 4 Nov 2010.
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