
HyVisual: A Hybrid System Visual Modeler
Christopher Hylands, Edward A. Lee, Jie Liu, Xiaojun Liu, Stephen Neuendorffer, Haiyang Zheng

Christopher Hylands, Edward A. Lee, Jie Liu, Xiaojun Liu, Stephen Neuendorffer, Haiyang Zheng. "HyVisual: A Hybrid System Visual Modeler". Technical report, University of California, Berkeley, UCB/ERL M03/30,, July, 2003.

The Hybrid System Visual Modeler (HyVisual) is a block-diagram editor and simulator for continuous-time dynamical systems and hybrid systems. Hybrid systems mix continuous-time dynamics, discrete events, and discrete mode changes. This visual modeler supports construction of hierarchical hybrid systems. It uses a block-diagram representation of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) to define continuous dynamics, and allows mixing of continuous-time signals with events that are discrete in time. It uses a bubble-and-arc diagram representation of finite state machines to define discrete behavior driven by mode transitions. In this document, we describe how to graphically construct models and how to interpret the resulting models. HyVisual provides a sophisticated numerical solver that simulates the continuous-time dynamics, and effective use of the system requires at least a rudimentary understanding of the properties of the solver. This document provides a tutorial that will enable the reader to construct elaborate models and to have confidence in the results of a simulation of those models. We begin by explaining how to describe continuous-time models of classical dynamical systems, and then progress to the construction of mixed signal and hybrid systems. The intended audience for this document is an engineer with at least a rudimentary understanding of the theory of continuous-time dynamical systems (ordinary differential equations and Laplace transform representations), who wishes to build models of such systems, and who wishes to learn about hybrid systems and build models of hybrid systems. HyVisual is built on top of Ptolemy II, a framework supporting the construction of such domain-specific tools. See Ptolemy II for information.

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  • HTML
    Christopher Hylands, Edward A. Lee, Jie Liu, Xiaojun Liu,
    Stephen Neuendorffer, Haiyang Zheng. <a
    ><i>HyVisual: A Hybrid System Visual
    Modeler</i></a>, Technical report,  University
    of California, Berkeley, UCB/ERL M03/30,, July, 2003.
  • Plain text
    Christopher Hylands, Edward A. Lee, Jie Liu, Xiaojun Liu,
    Stephen Neuendorffer, Haiyang Zheng. "HyVisual: A
    Hybrid System Visual Modeler". Technical report, 
    University of California, Berkeley, UCB/ERL M03/30,, July,
  • BibTeX
        author = {Christopher Hylands and Edward A. Lee and Jie Liu
                  and Xiaojun Liu and Stephen Neuendorffer and
                  Haiyang Zheng},
        title = {HyVisual: A Hybrid System Visual Modeler},
        institution = {University of California, Berkeley},
        number = {UCB/ERL M03/30,},
        month = {July},
        year = {2003},
        abstract = {The Hybrid System Visual Modeler (HyVisual) is a
                  block-diagram editor and simulator for
                  continuous-time dynamical systems and hybrid
                  systems. Hybrid systems mix continuous-time
                  dynamics, discrete events, and discrete mode
                  changes. This visual modeler supports construction
                  of hierarchical hybrid systems. It uses a
                  block-diagram representation of ordinary
                  differential equations (ODEs) to define continuous
                  dynamics, and allows mixing of continuous-time
                  signals with events that are discrete in time. It
                  uses a bubble-and-arc diagram representation of
                  finite state machines to define discrete behavior
                  driven by mode transitions. In this document, we
                  describe how to graphically construct models and
                  how to interpret the resulting models. HyVisual
                  provides a sophisticated numerical solver that
                  simulates the continuous-time dynamics, and
                  effective use of the system requires at least a
                  rudimentary understanding of the properties of the
                  solver. This document provides a tutorial that
                  will enable the reader to construct elaborate
                  models and to have confidence in the results of a
                  simulation of those models. We begin by explaining
                  how to describe continuous-time models of
                  classical dynamical systems, and then progress to
                  the construction of mixed signal and hybrid
                  systems. The intended audience for this document
                  is an engineer with at least a rudimentary
                  understanding of the theory of continuous-time
                  dynamical systems (ordinary differential equations
                  and Laplace transform representations), who wishes
                  to build models of such systems, and who wishes to
                  learn about hybrid systems and build models of
                  hybrid systems. HyVisual is built on top of
                  Ptolemy II, a framework supporting the
                  construction of such domain-specific tools. See
                  Ptolemy II for information.},
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/739.html}

Posted by Christopher Brooks on 4 Nov 2010.
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