
Trading End-to-End Latency for Composability
Slobodan Matic, Tom Henzinger

Slobodan Matic, Tom Henzinger. "Trading End-to-End Latency for Composability". Proceedings of RTSS 2005, 99-110, December, 2005.

The periodic resource model for hierarchical, compositional scheduling abstracts task groups by resource requirements. We study this model in the presence of dataflow constraints between the tasks within a group (intragroup dependencies), and between tasks in different groups (intergroup dependencies). We consider two natural semantics for dataflow constraints, namely, RTW (Real-Time Workshop) semantics and LET (logical execution time) semantics. We show that while RTW semantics offers better end-to-end latency on the task group level, LET semantics allows tighter resource bounds in the abstraction hierarchy and therefore provides better composability properties. This result holds both for intragroup and intergroup dependencies, as well as for shared and for distributed resources.

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    Slobodan Matic, Tom Henzinger. <a
    >Trading End-to-End Latency for Composability</a>,
    Proceedings of RTSS 2005, 99-110, December, 2005.
  • Plain text
    Slobodan Matic, Tom Henzinger. "Trading End-to-End
    Latency for Composability". Proceedings of RTSS 2005,
    99-110, December, 2005.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Slobodan Matic and Tom Henzinger},
        title = {Trading End-to-End Latency for Composability},
        booktitle = {Proceedings of RTSS 2005},
        pages = {99-110},
        month = {December},
        year = {2005},
        abstract = {The periodic resource model for hierarchical,
                  compositional scheduling abstracts task groups by
                  resource requirements. We study this model in the
                  presence of dataflow constraints between the tasks
                  within a group (intragroup dependencies), and
                  between tasks in different groups (intergroup
                  dependencies). We consider two natural semantics
                  for dataflow constraints, namely, RTW (Real-Time
                  Workshop) semantics and LET (logical execution
                  time) semantics. We show that while RTW semantics
                  offers better end-to-end latency on the task group
                  level, LET semantics allows tighter resource
                  bounds in the abstraction hierarchy and therefore
                  provides better composability properties. This
                  result holds both for intragroup and intergroup
                  dependencies, as well as for shared and for
                  distributed resources.},
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/91.html}

Posted by Slobodan Matic on 11 May 2006.
Groups: chess chesslocal
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