
Highway Traffic Flow Analysis and Control
Chess Center: 337 Cory Hall |
Weekly Progress:
Week 1:
- Met Mentor Alex Kurzhanskiy and got an overview of the highway traffic
project and what work has been done so far on it
- Read Review of Switching Mode Modeland Parameter Calibration
Method presentation
- Read A Piecewise-Linearized Cell Transmission Model and Parameter
Calibration Methodology
- Began learning LaTex and practiced using it
- Attended first SUPERB CHESS meeting
- Met with Professor Sastry
Week 2:
- Started learning MATLAB, specifically how to create a GUI to create
highway traffic simulation
- Created CHESS Poster template
- Attended first Traffic meeting
Week 3:
- Read papers for Stochastic Hybrid Systems group and chose EEG
Ocular Artifact Removal Through ARMAX Model System Identification Using
Extended Least Squares to present at meeting on July 20
- Attended meeting on June 30 in which Alex Abate gave a presentation
- Requested PEMS account to see highway traffic data and plot graphs
Week 4:
- Worked on simulation on MATLAB
- Updated CHESS SUPERB website with my information
- Met with Sheila Humphreys, Patrick Hernan, and Beatriz Lopez-Flores
about graduate schools
Week 5:
- Presented at CHESS meeting
- Continued work on MATLAB
- Attended traffic meeting where each person was assigned some work
to do for the next 3 weeks
- Made rough draft of poster for what I have so far
Week 6:
- Gave a talk at the Stochastic Hybrid Systems Meeting on the paper:
EEG ocular artifact removal through ARMAX model system identification
using extended least squares
- Worked on poster
- Submitted abstract of paper
Week 7:
- Finished poster
- Wrote draft of paper
- Attended last SUPERB meeting
Week 8:
- Printed, cut, and mounted Poster
- Finished Report
- Attended final CHESS and SHS meetings
- Met with Professor Tomlin
- Met with Professor Sastry
- Participated in Poster Session
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program issues contact Dr. Jonathan