Data-Driven Modeling of the Airport Configuration Selection Process
Varun Ramanujam, Hamsa Balakrishnan

Varun Ramanujam, Hamsa Balakrishnan. "Data-Driven Modeling of the Airport Configuration Selection Process". IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON HUMAN-MACHINE SYSTEMS, 45(4):490-499, August 2015.

The runway configuration is the set of the runways at an airport that are used for arrivals and departures at any time. While many factors, including weather, expected demand, environmental considerations, and coordination of flows with neighboring airports, influence the choice of runway configuration, the actual selection decision is made by air traffic controllers in the airport tower. As a result, the capacity of an airport at any time is dependent on the behavior of human decision makers. This paper develops a statistical model to characterize the configuration selection decision process using empirical observations. The proposed approach, based on the discrete-choicemodeling framework, identifies the influence of various factors in terms of the utility function of the decision maker. The parameters of the utility functions are estimated through likelihood maximization. Correlations between different alternatives are captured using a multinomial “nested logit” model. A key novelty of this study is the quantitative assessment of the effect of inertia, or the resistance to configuration changes, on the configuration selection process. The developed models are used to predict the runway configuration 3 h ahead of time, given operating conditions such as wind, visibility, and demand. Case studies based on data from Newark (EWR) and La-Guardia (LGA) airports show that the proposed model predicts runway configuration choices significantly better than a baseline model that only considers the historical frequencies of occurrence of different configurations.

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  • HTML
    Varun Ramanujam, Hamsa Balakrishnan. <a
    >Data-Driven Modeling of the Airport Configuration
    Selection Process</a>, <i>IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON
    HUMAN-MACHINE SYSTEMS</i>, 45(4):490-499, August 2015.
  • Plain text
    Varun Ramanujam, Hamsa Balakrishnan. "Data-Driven
    Modeling of the Airport Configuration Selection
    SYSTEMS</i>, 45(4):490-499, August 2015.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Varun Ramanujam and Hamsa Balakrishnan},
        title = {Data-Driven Modeling of the Airport Configuration
                  Selection Process},
        volume = {45},
        number = {4},
        pages = {490-499},
        month = {August},
        year = {2015},
        abstract = {The runway configuration is the set of the runways
                  at an airport that are used for arrivals and
                  departures at any time. While many factors,
                  including weather, expected demand, environmental
                  considerations, and coordination of flows with
                  neighboring airports, influence the choice of
                  runway configuration, the actual selection
                  decision is made by air traffic controllers in the
                  airport tower. As a result, the capacity of an
                  airport at any time is dependent on the behavior
                  of human decision makers. This paper develops a
                  statistical model to characterize the
                  configuration selection decision process using
                  empirical observations. The proposed approach,
                  based on the discrete-choicemodeling framework,
                  identifies the influence of various factors in
                  terms of the utility function of the decision
                  maker. The parameters of the utility functions are
                  estimated through likelihood maximization.
                  Correlations between different alternatives are
                  captured using a multinomial ânested logitâ
                  model. A key novelty of this study is the
                  quantitative assessment of the effect of inertia,
                  or the resistance to configuration changes, on the
                  configuration selection process. The developed
                  models are used to predict the runway
                  configuration 3 h ahead of time, given operating
                  conditions such as wind, visibility, and demand.
                  Case studies based on data from Newark (EWR) and
                  La-Guardia (LGA) airports show that the proposed
                  model predicts runway configuration choices
                  significantly better than a baseline model that
                  only considers the historical frequencies of
                  occurrence of different configurations.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Saurabh Amin on 15 Apr 2016.
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