Decentralized Coordination of Controlled Loads and Transformers in a Hierarchical Structure
Suli Zou, Ian Hiskens, Zhongjing Ma

Suli Zou, Ian Hiskens, Zhongjing Ma. "Decentralized Coordination of Controlled Loads and Transformers in a Hierarchical Structure". IFAC World Congress, IFAC, July, 2017.

This paper considers the coordination of controlled loads in a framework that loads connect to the distribution network through transformers. Our objective is designing a decentralized control method that can motivate selfish loads to achieve global benefits. We formulate this problem as a hierarchical model. In the lower level, each transformer broadcasts a price signal to the loads connect to it, under which loads implement individual best strategies. While in the upper level, transformers communicate with the distribution network and obtain a price reflecting the system generation cost. Each transformer determines a price including this price and another part reflecting individual characteristics. By proposing a dynamic update algorithm, our results build that the system converges to the unique and efficient solution with fast convergence speed.

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  • HTML
    Suli Zou, Ian Hiskens, Zhongjing Ma. <a
    >Decentralized Coordination of Controlled Loads and
    Transformers in a Hierarchical Structure</a>, IFAC
    World Congress, IFAC, July, 2017.
  • Plain text
    Suli Zou, Ian Hiskens, Zhongjing Ma. "Decentralized
    Coordination of Controlled Loads and Transformers in a
    Hierarchical Structure". IFAC World Congress, IFAC,
    July, 2017.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Suli Zou and Ian Hiskens and Zhongjing Ma},
        title = {Decentralized Coordination of Controlled Loads and
                  Transformers in a Hierarchical Structure},
        booktitle = {IFAC World Congress},
        organization = {IFAC},
        month = {July},
        year = {2017},
        abstract = {This paper considers the coordination of
                  controlled loads in a framework that loads connect
                  to the distribution network through transformers.
                  Our objective is designing a decentralized control
                  method that can motivate selfish loads to achieve
                  global benefits. We formulate this problem as a
                  hierarchical model. In the lower level, each
                  transformer broadcasts a price signal to the loads
                  connect to it, under which loads implement
                  individual best strategies. While in the upper
                  level, transformers communicate with the
                  distribution network and obtain a price reflecting
                  the system generation cost. Each transformer
                  determines a price including this price and
                  another part reflecting individual
                  characteristics. By proposing a dynamic update
                  algorithm, our results build that the system
                  converges to the unique and efficient solution
                  with fast convergence speed.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Ian Hiskens on 28 Feb 2017.
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