An AC-QP Optimal Power Flow Algorithm Considering Wind Forecast Uncertainty
Jennifer Marley, Maria Vrakopoulou, Ian Hiskens

Jennifer Marley, Maria Vrakopoulou, Ian Hiskens. "An AC-QP Optimal Power Flow Algorithm Considering Wind Forecast Uncertainty". IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia (ISGT-Asia), 317-323, November, 2016.

While renewable generation sources provide many economic and environmental benefits for the operation of power systems, their inherent stochastic nature introduces challenges from the perspective of reliability. Existing optimal power flow (OPF) methods must therefore be extended to consider forecast errors to mitigate in an economic manner the uncertainty that renewable generation introduces. This paper presents an AC-QP OPF solution algorithm that has been modified to include wind generation uncertainty. We solve the resulting stochastic optimization problem using a scenario based algorithm that is based on randomized methods that provide probabilistic guarantees of the solution. The proposed method produces an AC-feasible solution while satisfying reasonable reliability criteria. Test cases are included for the IEEE 14-bus network that has been augmented with 2 wind generators. The scalability, optimality and reliability achieved by the proposed method are then assessed.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Jennifer Marley, Maria Vrakopoulou, Ian Hiskens. <a
    >An AC-QP Optimal Power Flow Algorithm Considering Wind
    Forecast Uncertainty</a>, IEEE Innovative Smart Grid
    Technologies - Asia (ISGT-Asia), 317-323, November, 2016.
  • Plain text
    Jennifer Marley, Maria Vrakopoulou, Ian Hiskens. "An
    AC-QP Optimal Power Flow Algorithm Considering Wind Forecast
    Uncertainty". IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies -
    Asia (ISGT-Asia), 317-323, November, 2016.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Jennifer Marley and Maria Vrakopoulou and Ian
        title = {An AC-QP Optimal Power Flow Algorithm Considering
                  Wind Forecast Uncertainty},
        booktitle = {IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia
        pages = {317-323},
        month = {November},
        year = {2016},
        abstract = {While renewable generation sources provide many
                  economic and environmental benefits for the
                  operation of power systems, their inherent
                  stochastic nature introduces challenges from the
                  perspective of reliability. Existing optimal power
                  flow (OPF) methods must therefore be extended to
                  consider forecast errors to mitigate in an
                  economic manner the uncertainty that renewable
                  generation introduces. This paper presents an
                  AC-QP OPF solution algorithm that has been
                  modified to include wind generation uncertainty.
                  We solve the resulting stochastic optimization
                  problem using a scenario based algorithm that is
                  based on randomized methods that provide
                  probabilistic guarantees of the solution. The
                  proposed method produces an AC-feasible solution
                  while satisfying reasonable reliability criteria.
                  Test cases are included for the IEEE 14-bus
                  network that has been augmented with 2 wind
                  generators. The scalability, optimality and
                  reliability achieved by the proposed method are
                  then assessed.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Ian Hiskens on 28 Feb 2017.
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