Index of all Fields and Methods
All Packages  Class Hierarchy


Index of all Fields and Methods


ARRAY. Static variable in class .PO
ARRAY_INDICATOR. Static variable in class .PO
attach(PersistentObject). Method in class .PersistentObject
Adds the Persistent Object to the contents Vector, adds this to the pObj's container Vector Returns PO.OK
ATTACH_NOT_FOUND_VAL. Static variable in class .PO
attachObjId. Variable in class .PersistentObject
The Id of the object that is being loaded from the data server


BAD_REQUEST_VAL. Static variable in class .PO
BOOLEAN. Static variable in class .PO
BOOLEAN_INDICATOR. Static variable in class .PO


CHAR. Static variable in class .PO
CHAR_INDICATOR. Static variable in class .PO
CHILDREN. Static variable in class .PO
CLASS. Static variable in class .QueryObject
className. Variable in class .PO_ObjectInfo
closeConnection(Socket). Method in class .PO_NetClient
Closes the network connection
closeServer(Socket). Method in class .PersistentObject
Calls closeConnection to close a remote server connection If testNoNet flag is set, then the close is ignored and operations (load, save, etc.) will be done locally
comCons. Static variable in class .PersistentObject
CONNECT. Static variable in class .PO
connect(int, int). Method in class .PersistentObject
Connect (Objects) Sets up the connection at the data back-end
CONNECTNEW. Static variable in class .PO
connectServer(). Method in class .PersistentObject
Calls openConnection to connect to remote server If testNoNet flag is set, then the connection is ignored and operations (load, save, etc.) will be done locally
CONT_ERROR_VAL. Static variable in class .PO
containers. Variable in class .PersistentObject
Vector that contains the object's parent node
CONTAINERS. Static variable in class .PO
containersInMem. Variable in class .PersistentObject
Indicates whether the object's containers are in memory
contentName. Variable in class .PO_ObjectInfo
contents. Variable in class .PersistentObject
Vector that contains the contents'
CONTENTS. Static variable in class .PO
contentsInfo. Variable in class .DirObject
Vector that contains the contents' info
contentsInMem. Variable in class .PersistentObject
Indicates whether the object's contents are in memory
contextVector. Variable in class .PersistentObject
Vector which holds the context information after a getContext
currentRelativeClass. Variable in class .PersistentObject
The name of the current class returned during parsing


data. Static variable in class .TestData
DATABASE. Static variable in class .QueryObject
DataObject(). Constructor for class .DataObject
The DataObject construction should be followed by a load so that the corresponding object fields will be set
DataObject(String, String). Constructor for class .DataObject
Constructor for DataObject
dbId. Variable in class .PersistentObject
Unique identifier returned by the data server after a Save()
DEBUG(String). Method in class .PersistentObject
Debug Prints debugging statements if the debug flag is set to true
DEBUG(String). Static method in class .PO_NetClient
Debug Prints debugging statements if the debug flag is set to true
debugFlag. Static variable in class .PersistentObject
Flag to print out debugging statements
DELETE. Static variable in class .PO
delete(). Method in class .DirObject
Delete Removes all references of the PersistentObject in the system (The object is not explicitly deleted (i.e.
deleteCommit(). Method in class .DirObject
Committing a Delete, so that the information gets transferred back to the data server.
deleteMe(). Method in class .PersistentObject
Delete Object Deletes the object at the data back-end
detach(PersistentObject). Method in class .PersistentObject
Detach User can/should only Detach OctObjects that are not Persistent For detaching already Persistent OctObjects, disconnect should be called so that the information gets transferred back to the data server.
detachFrom(PersistentObject). Method in class .PersistentObject
Detach the (DirObject) container's content's instance of this object
DirObject(). Constructor for class .DirObject
The DirObject construction should be followed by a Load so that the object field(s) will be set
DirObject(String). Constructor for class .DirObject
Constructor for DirObject
dirty. Variable in class .PersistentObject
Flag which may be used to determine whether the object requires updating
DISCONNECT. Static variable in class .PO
disconnect(int, int). Method in class .PersistentObject
Disconnect (Objects) Voids the connections at the data back-end
DO_NOT_PROCEED. Static variable in class .PO
DOUBLE. Static variable in class .PO
DOUBLE_INDICATOR. Static variable in class .PO
DUPLICATE_VAL. Static variable in class .PO


EMPTY_REQUEST_VAL. Static variable in class .PO
ERROR. Static variable in class .PO
execQuery(String, String, int, String, String). Method in class .QueryObject
Executes the query requested


FLOAT. Static variable in class .PO
FLOAT_INDICATOR. Static variable in class .PO


GETATT. Static variable in class .PO
GETATTINFO. Static variable in class .PO
getClassName(). Method in class .PersistentObject
Returns the Object Class Name
getContent(). Method in class .DataObject
GETCONTEXT. Static variable in class .PO
getContext(). Method in class .PersistentObject
Sets the vector of (className, str, id) information from the network data server
getField(int, boolean). Method in class .PersistentObject
getField(int, char). Method in class .PersistentObject
getField(int, double). Method in class .PersistentObject
getField(int, double[]). Method in class .PersistentObject
getField(int, float). Method in class .PersistentObject
getField(int, int). Method in class .PersistentObject
getField(int, Object). Method in class .PersistentObject
getField(int, String). Method in class .PersistentObject
get the corresponding contents from an internal vector that parsed and stored the values of a network Load
getField(int, Vector). Method in class .PersistentObject
GETID. Static variable in class .PO
getMemberInfo(int, int). Method in class .PersistentObject
Return a MemberInfo object which contains the object class name and object id pair
getName(). Method in class .DirObject
Returns the name of the directory (object)
getObjFields(). Method in class .DataObject
Determines how the fields of the objects should be filled after a (network) load To be declared by object developer
getObjFields(). Method in class .DirObject
Determines how the fields of the objects should be filled after a (network) load To be declared by object developer
getObjFields(). Method in class .PersistentObject
Determines how the fields of the objects should be filled after a (network) load To be declared by object developer
getObjFields(). Method in class .QueryObject
Determines how the fields of the objects should be filled after a (network) load To be declared by object developer
getObjFields(). Method in class .VersionObject
Determines how the fields of the objects should be filled after a (network) load To be declared by object developer
getRoot(). Method in class .DirObject
GETROOTDIR. Static variable in class .PO
GETSTR. Static variable in class .PO
GETVERID. Static variable in class .PO
GLOBAL. Static variable in class .QueryObject


id. Variable in class .PO_ObjectInfo
init(). Method in class .TestClient
initGenContainers(). Method in class .PersistentObject
Load objects that are attached at the next upper level of the current object to the Vector contents Return PO.OK if operation is successful PO.ERROR if not
initGenContents(). Method in class .PersistentObject
Load objects that are attached at the next direct level of the current object to the Vector contents Return PO.OK if operation is successful PO.ERROR if not
instancePolicy(PersistentObject). Method in class .PersistentObject
Policy that must be followed after instantiating an object
INT. Static variable in class .PO
INT_INDICATOR. Static variable in class .PO
INTERNAL_ERROR_VAL. Static variable in class .PO
isPersistent. Variable in class .PersistentObject
Variable indicating whether the object has been saved before


load(int). Method in class .PersistentObject
Load (from Persistent Storage over the network).
load(String). Method in class .DataObject
Loads the object from a network (persistent object storage) database backend(and sets it's fields)
load(String). Method in class .DirObject
Loads the object from a network (persistent object storage) database backend(and sets it's fields)
load(String). Method in class .PersistentObject
Load by a (database backend location) string has to be overloaded by the object developer if such a feature is desired
loadObject(String, int, String). Method in class .PersistentObject
The actual method call thats being made when a load() is called.
loadVector. Variable in class .PersistentObject
loadVersion(String, int, String). Method in class .PersistentObject
Load a specific version of the object Return PO.OK if Load is successful, PO.ERROR otherwise.


main(String[]). Static method in class .TestClient
makeInstance(). Method in class .PersistentObject
Loads and instantiates a "copy" of the object from the data back-end.
MODIFY. Static variable in class .PO


netClient. Static variable in class .PersistentObject
netObjSetup(int, int, String). Method in class .PersistentObject
Network Object setup method that needs to be run before the object can operate as a persistent object over the network
netSocket. Variable in class .PersistentObject
NO_ATTACH_VAL. Static variable in class .PO
NO_VERSION. Static variable in class .PO
NOT_ATTACHED. Static variable in class .PO
NOT_FOUND_A_VAL. Static variable in class .PO
NOT_FOUND_B_VAL. Static variable in class .PO
NOT_FOUND_VAL. Static variable in class .PO
NOT_VERSIONOBJ_VAL. Static variable in class .PO
numChildren. Variable in class .PersistentObject
The number of children (objects that attaches to it) that the object has
numField. Static variable in class .DataObject
numField. Static variable in class .DirObject
numField. Variable in class .PersistentObject
numField. Static variable in class .VersionObject
numObjField. Static variable in class .DataObject
numObjField. Static variable in class .DirObject
numObjField. Variable in class .PersistentObject
The number of object fields the object has
numObjField. Static variable in class .VersionObject


OBJECT. Static variable in class .PO
OBJECT_INDICATOR. Static variable in class .PO
objectClassName. Static variable in class .DataObject
objectClassName. Static variable in class .DirObject
objectClassName. Variable in class .PersistentObject
The class name of the object which inherits the Persistent Object class.
objectClassName. Static variable in class .VersionObject
OK. Static variable in class .PO
OK_VAL. Static variable in class .PO
openConnection(). Method in class .PO_NetClient
Method that opens a socket connection to the designated server.
outStreamString. Variable in class .PersistentObject


PARENTS. Static variable in class .PO
parse(int). Method in class .PersistentObject
parse This method is responsible for parsing responses from remote network server(s) (see for details) (called after PO_NetClient.openConnection)
parseArray(StreamTokenizer). Method in class .PersistentObject
Parses an array (arrangement)
parseContext(StreamTokenizer). Method in class .PersistentObject
Method that parses stream into (className, str, id) information for DirObjects, stringID = content's 1st identifier for Version Object, stringId = content's version string
parseForWord(StreamTokenizer, String). Method in class .PersistentObject
Verifies that the token is a word/String Prints out the msg if it is not a string, return null returns the String parsed otherwise
parseNumber(StreamTokenizer, String). Method in class .PersistentObject
Verifies that the token is a number Prints out the msg if it is not a number, returns false
parseQuery(StreamTokenizer). Method in class .PersistentObject
Method that parses the query reult for QueryObjects To be overloaded in
parseQuery(StreamTokenizer). Method in class .QueryObject
Method that parses the query reult for QueryObjects To be overloaded in
PERM_ERROR_VAL. Static variable in class .PO
permission. Variable in class .PersistentObject
Access permission of the object (READ_ONLY, READ_WRITE) usage to be determined
PersistentObject(). Constructor for class .PersistentObject
Constructor of PersistentObject Should never be called explicitly
PO(). Constructor for class .PO
PO_CommandConstructor(). Constructor for class .PO_CommandConstructor
Constructor for PO_CommandConstructor
PO_NetClient(String, int). Constructor for class .PO_NetClient
Constructor of a PO_NetClient
PO_ObjectInfo(String, String, int). Constructor for class .PO_ObjectInfo
POINT_VERSION. Static variable in class .PO
postLoadPolicy(Object). Method in class .PersistentObject
Post-object-loading policy, such as handling of dirty bits, etc., that the object developer has to overload
postSavePolicy(PersistentObject). Method in class .PersistentObject
Post-object-saving policy, such as handling of dirty bits, etc., that the object developer has to overload
prepareCommandString(int, String, String, int, String, int, int, String). Method in class .PO_CommandConstructor
Handles the construction of strings for multiple commands
prepareDirCommandString(int, String, String, int). Method in class .PO_CommandConstructor
Handles the construction of strings for directory commands
prepareQueryCommandString(int, String, String, int, String, String). Method in class .PO_CommandConstructor
Handles the construction of strings for query commands
prepareSaveString(int, String, String, int, String, Vector, int[], int). Method in class .PO_CommandConstructor
Prepare a Stream that contains the processed fields of the object, used primary for saving objects
PUT. Static variable in class .PO
PUTVER. Static variable in class .PO


QUERY. Static variable in class .PO
QueryObject(). Constructor for class .QueryObject
Constructor for QueryObject


READ_ONLY. Static variable in class .PO
READ_WRITE. Static variable in class .PO


save(). Method in class .PersistentObject
Save (Object) Encapsulation of the actual call to SaveObject (returns either OK, ERROR or the Object's UniqueID)
saveObject(String, int). Method in class .PersistentObject
Save Object returns Unique DbId if save is completed ERROR if not
savePolicy(PersistentObject). Method in class .PersistentObject
Object Saving policy, such as handling of dirty bits, etc., that must/should be done before saving.
SELF_ATTACH_VAL. Static variable in class .PO
send(String). Method in class .PersistentObject
Sends the specified string to the remote server If testNoNet flag is set, then the message will be outputed to the screen
sendString(String). Method in class .PO_NetClient
Sends the message to the pre-designated network server
setContent(String). Method in class .DataObject
setDebug(boolean). Static method in class .PersistentObject
Sets the flag for debug statement
setField(int, boolean, int). Method in class .PersistentObject
setField(int, char, int). Method in class .PersistentObject
setField(int, double, int). Method in class .PersistentObject
setField(int, double[], int). Method in class .PersistentObject
setField(int, float, int). Method in class .PersistentObject
setField(int, int, int). Method in class .PersistentObject
setField(int, Object, int). Method in class .PersistentObject
setField(int, String, int). Method in class .PersistentObject
Sets the fields in the Vector holding the fields of the object Non-object types are stored in object that matches mostly closely its type.
setField(int, Vector, int). Method in class .PersistentObject
setObjFields(). Method in class .DataObject
Sets up the object's fields into internal data structure.
setObjFields(). Method in class .DirObject
Sets up the Vector that that contain the "essential" fields of the object
setObjFields(). Method in class .PersistentObject
Sets up the object's fields into internal data structure.
setObjFields(). Method in class .QueryObject
Sets up the object's fields into internal data structure.
setObjFields(). Method in class .VersionObject
Sets up the object's fields into internal data structure.
setPersistent(boolean). Method in class .PersistentObject
Sets the isPersistent flag which indicates that this object has persistence (has a copy at the data backend) Future operations will then make use of the object's unique id.
setPort(int). Static method in class .PersistentObject
Sets the port for network operations
setServer(String). Method in class .PersistentObject
Sets the server name for network operations
setTestNoNet(boolean). Static method in class .PersistentObject
Sets the flag for network operation
setType(int, int). Method in class .PersistentObject
sets the type of each field.
STRING. Static variable in class .PO
STRING_INDICATOR. Static variable in class .PO
successfulTransmit. Variable in class .PersistentObject


TestClient(). Constructor for class .TestClient
TestData(). Constructor for class .TestData
testNoNet. Static variable in class .PersistentObject
TREE_VERSION. Static variable in class .PO


UNIQUE_ID. Static variable in class .PO
userId. Variable in class .PersistentObject
User Id of the Persistent Object (for network transactions)


VECTOR. Static variable in class .PO
VECTOR_INDICATOR. Static variable in class .PO
VERGETCONTEXT. Static variable in class .PO
version. Variable in class .PersistentObject
String indicating the version of the object (release_name.number)
VersionObject(). Constructor for class .VersionObject
Constructor for VersionObject (Does nothing in particular)
versionSave(int). Method in class .PersistentObject
Saves the object as a new version of the "basic object"