AcknowledgmentsDiva is a collaborative project between members of the Ptolemy and JavaTime groups in the EECS department at UC Berkeley, led (respectively) by Professors Edward A. Lee and A. Richard Newton. The Ptolemy project is sponsored by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agencies (DARPA), the United States Air Force (Rome Labs), the State of California MICRO Program, and the following companies: the Alta Group of Cadence Design Systems, Hewlett Packard, Hitachi, Hughes Space and Communications, LG Electronics, NEC, Philips, Rockwell, Semiconductor Research Corporation. The JavaTime project is sponsored by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agencies (DARPA) grant DABT63-95-C-0074-NEWTON-06/96, Hewlett Packard and Hughes Research Laboratories. We're also glad to acknowledge the assistance of the following people: Design and code reviewers
Bug reports and fixes
Code contributions