Damage regions
Painting the JCanvas or parts of the JCanvas is a recursive operation
that touches several key classes. Components in the Diva Canvas
can initiate a repaint request by using the repaint()
method. The actual painting is managed by Swing, which initiates
painting of a region some time after a paint request is made, or when
(for example) the JCanvas is redisplayed or a portion of it becomes
uncovered. The following figure illustrates the repaint-paint
operation in the canvas.
When a figure is modified (let's say, its color changed), it calls
its repaint() method. repaint() creates a DamageRegion object, which
contains a reference to this figure and the region it damaged, and
passes it to its parent figure. By default, the damaged region is
simply the bounding box of the figure. (The DamageRegion instances are
static to avoid the cost of allocating them on the heap.) This call
propagates upwards until it reaches the JCanvas, which calls the
DamageRegion object's apply() method. This method transforms the
damage region into screen coordinates, and calls Swing's RepaintManager to
schedule a future paint operation of that region.
(Currently, all damage regions are rectangles. In the future,
we hope to support non-rectangular damage regions to allow
more efficient repainting of long multi-segment lines.)
Some time later, Swing's event loop runs again, and calls the
paint(Graphics2D) method of the JCanvas. Swing has already set a clip
region in the Graphics2D object (the graphics drawing port), so the
JCanvas extracts this, converts it to the pane's coordinate system,
and passes it to the pane. From then on, the paint request propagates
downwards, except that:
- Any object that defines a new transform context converts the clip
rectangle into its own coordinate system, and
- FigureContainers generally only call paint() on a child
if the child intersects the clip rectangle.
Finally, at a leaf figure, the default behavior is to call
paint(Graphics2D), which will paint the whole leaf figure.