Andrew Mihal
Andrew Mihal is a Ph.D. candidate in Electrical Engineering at the University
of California, Berkeley. He earned his B.S. at Carnegie Mellon University in
1999. When not in the office, Andrew is an avid hiker and photographer.
Programmable platform architectures are a compelling alternative to ASICs for
embedded systems, but they are notoriously difficult to program. The reason
for this is the large discrepancy between the concurrency requirements of the
embedded applications and the concurrency capabilities of the platforms:
the "concurrency implementation gap". Domain-specific languages are a good
way to capture application concurrency, but there are still many ways in
which current platform architectures are a suboptimal match for application
requirements. If programmable elements are to be the basic blocks of future
architectures, one must reconsider what kinds of programmable elements should
be designed in addition to how they should be programmed. The Cairn project
takes a three-part approach to this challenge. Designers use separate
abstractions for modeling applications, capturing the capabilities of
architectures, and mapping applications onto architectures. Models of
computation and actor-oriented design provide a mechanism for correctly
modeling concurrent applications. The Sub-RISC paradigm provides efficient,
cost-effective architectures and exports their capabilities. A disciplined
mapping methodology leads to correct implementations and enables effective
design space exploration. With the Cairn approach, designers can defeat the
concurrency implementation gap and realize the benefits of programmable
platforms over traditional ASICs.