Heterogeneous Modeling and Design Tasks
This project is organized along the following two phases
and six tasks:
Phase 1 (18 months)
Task 1: Modular deployable design tools
System-level design tools such as our Ptolemy environment tend to be
large monolithic software systems, following the VLSI CAD tradition.
This makes them difficult to use, maintain, and support, Moreover,
increasingly, design tools are expected to perform in an environment
where design and evolution of a larger system is ongoing, persisting
well beyond initial system deployment. We are exploiting software
technologies such as abstract machines, web-based design, migrating
processes, client-server architectures, and object-request brokers to
break apart the design tools into modular building blocks. One
consequence is that certain elements of a design tool (such as
schedulers, user-interfaces, displays, controls, and even models) can
be deployed as part of system, facilitating maintenance, adaptation,
evolution, and documentation. An underlying object-oriented software
architecture will provide the modular heterogeneity amenable to such
Task 2: Domain-specific design tools
High-level design tools tend to be domain-specific, supporting a narrow
range of design problems. Successful examples include Spice for circuit
modeling, digital hardware design tools, and visual dataflow
environments for signal processing. Many of these tools share common
principles. Most can be viewed in fact as languages in that they have a
syntax (either ASCII or pictorial) and a semantics. For electronic
systems, the semantics is often concurrent, in that modules
conceptually (or physically) operate at the same time, interacting
through signals. For MEMS systems, the semantics is always concurrent,
reflecting an underlying physical modeling problem, and interaction is
through physical effects. We are studying and developing various
domain-specific approaches appropriate to composite CAD. These include
Spice-level modeling of circuits and mechanical systems, discrete-event
modeling of synchronous and asynchronous digital hardware, dataflow
modeling of discrete-time systems and embedded software, state-machine
modeling of sequential controllers, and various higher-level models
that focus on resource allocation and system-level design, applicable
for example to hardware/software codesign.
Task 3: Heterogeneous interaction semantics
Frequently, domain-specific design tools and languages need to be
combined to design and model heterogeneous systems. One example of
great commercial interest is in wireless communication, where
Spice-level modeling of RF circuits needs to be combined with
functional modeling of signal processing that is often implemented in
embedded software. MEMS systems are similar, if a bit more complex, in
that they may combine physical models at the level of differential
equations, Spice-level circuit models for analog driving and sensing
circuitry, functional models of sequential control logic, and
functional models of signal processing that deal with sensor data or
actuator control signals. Each of these is best supported by a distinct
modeling paradigm, language, and tool. These tools tend to grow and
evolve in isolation, making it difficult to combine them to achieve
system-level design. We are studying and developing theory and
techniques for heterogenous combinations of such tools
and languages.
Phase 2 (18 months)
Task 4: Process level type system
Strongly typed programming languages are more robust than weakly typed
languages. Static type systems can prevent many common software faults
and facilitate compiler optimizations. We will extend this concept to
composite system-level design to facilitate heterogeneous modeling and
design. We will develop a type system for concurrent processes that
regulates the interaction between heterogeneous system components. The
notion of types will be adapted beyond that of numerics and data
structures to encompass such notions as a continuous-time signal, a
discrete-time signal, a set of discrete-events in time, a rendezvous,
or a sequence of messages. Instead of defining variables, our types
define signals. The forms that signals can take determine the types of
the processes that interact with these signals. A type hierarchy will
determine how processes can be combined and type resolution and
translation will be developed to support heterogeneous modeling.
Task 5: System-level validation
Formal analysis can play a major role in validating designs of embedded
systems. Models of computation based on a formal mathematical
framework, such as differential equations, synchronous/reactive models,
communicating finite-state machines, and dataflow models, have been
used to design systems that provably have some desirable property such
as safety, stability, or liveness. Such techniques have been applied in
hybrid systems, which combine continuous-time differential equation
models with discrete finite automata. However, the methods used today
mostly do not scale well to practical systems. Key questions frequently
become undecidable, and many of those that remain decidable become
intractably complex. We will develop systematic techniques that can
applied to practical systems. The keys are information hiding and
hierarchy. Simple, mathematical models of computation can be used to
define the interaction between modules at a large grain level. We will
show that by hiding the internal implementation of modules, they can
become large and complex without adversely affecting the ability to
answer key validation questions at the system level.
Task 6: System-level visualization
We will construct an object-oriented design visualization environment
for complex, evolving, distributed systems. Initially (at least) this
will be based on the Tycho syntax manager that we have begun under the
Ptolemy project. Tycho supports syntax-directed editing and
domain-specific graphical visualization by using a modular,
object-oriented software architecture. This architecture will support
deployable design tools; visualization modules will be separable from
the design environment. We will devise visual representations to
illustrate the concurrent and real-time behavior of composite systems.
We expect that different visual syntaxes will be required for different
models of computation (physical modeling of MEMS components will likely
require significantly different representations than the automata that
control them). We will devise live, direct-manipulation interfaces for
design and modeling composite systems.