Synthesis of Correct-by-construction Control Protocols for Hybrid Systems Using Partial State Information
Oscar Mickelin, Necmiye Ozay, Richard Murray

Oscar Mickelin, Necmiye Ozay, Richard Murray. "Synthesis of Correct-by-construction Control Protocols for Hybrid Systems Using Partial State Information". Proc. American Control Conference (ACC), 4, June, 2014.

This paper considers the problem of synthesizing output-feedback control laws for a class of discrete-time hybrid systems in order for the trajectories of the system to satisfy certain high-level specifications expressed in linear temporal logic. By leveraging ideas from robust interpretation of temporal logic formulas and bounded-error estimation, we identify a subclass of systems for which it is possible to reduce the problem to a state-feedback form. In particular, we use locally superstable hybrid observers to resolve the partial information at the continuous level. This allows us to use recent results in temporal logic planning to synthesize the desired controllers based on two-player perfect- information games. The overall control architecture consists of a hybrid observer, a high-level switching protocol and a low-level continuous controller. We demonstrate the proposed framework in a case study on designing control protocols for an aircraft air management system.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Oscar Mickelin, Necmiye Ozay, Richard Murray. <a
    >Synthesis of Correct-by-construction Control Protocols
    for Hybrid Systems Using Partial State
    Information</a>, Proc. American Control Conference
    (ACC), 4, June, 2014.
  • Plain text
    Oscar Mickelin, Necmiye Ozay, Richard Murray.
    "Synthesis of Correct-by-construction Control Protocols
    for Hybrid Systems Using Partial State Information".
    Proc. American Control Conference (ACC), 4, June, 2014.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Oscar Mickelin and Necmiye Ozay and Richard Murray},
        title = {Synthesis of Correct-by-construction Control
                  Protocols for Hybrid Systems Using Partial State
        booktitle = {Proc. American Control Conference (ACC)},
        day = {4},
        month = {June},
        year = {2014},
        abstract = { This paper considers the problem of synthesizing
                  output-feedback control laws for a class of
                  discrete-time hybrid systems in order for the
                  trajectories of the system to satisfy certain
                  high-level specifications expressed in linear
                  temporal logic. By leveraging ideas from robust
                  interpretation of temporal logic formulas and
                  bounded-error estimation, we identify a subclass
                  of systems for which it is possible to reduce the
                  problem to a state-feedback form. In particular,
                  we use locally superstable hybrid observers to
                  resolve the partial information at the continuous
                  level. This allows us to use recent results in
                  temporal logic planning to synthesize the desired
                  controllers based on two-player perfect-
                  information games. The overall control
                  architecture consists of a hybrid observer, a
                  high-level switching protocol and a low-level
                  continuous controller. We demonstrate the proposed
                  framework in a case study on designing control
                  protocols for an aircraft air management system. },
        URL = {}

Posted by Christopher Brooks on 24 Jun 2014.
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