Search results
- Tutorial on Maude, Chadlia Jerad, 16, November, 2016
- (the new) iCyPhy: Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems, Prabal Dutta, Edward A. Lee, Sanjit Seshia, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, 15, November, 2016
- Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (iCyPhy) Mission Statement, Prabal Dutta, Edward A. Lee, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Sanjit Seshia, The iCyPhy Center, icyph1, November, 2016
- FIDE -- An FMI Integrated Development Environment, Fabio Cremona, Marten Lohstroh, Stavros Tripakis, Christopher Brooks, Edward A. Lee, Symposium on Applied Computing 2016, Pisa, ACM, 4, April, 2016
Found 4 publications.
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