Optimal Architecture Selection for an Aircraft Environmental Control System
John B. Finn

John B. Finn. "Optimal Architecture Selection for an Aircraft Environmental Control System". Master's thesis, University of California Berkeley, May, 2015.

Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) are characterized by a tight coupling between the physical and the computational worlds. As system complexity and heterogeneity increase, it is becoming more difficult to perform design space exploration at the system level and analyses between the system architecture and control algorithms. Often, designers are expected to solve combinatorial problems over a large discrete variable space that is coupled to a continuous space, where expensive, high-fidelity simulations must be run to achieve the desired accuracy. In this thesis, I build upon a design methodology, based on the principles of Platform Based Design, to address the challenges associated with next generation CPS. The CPS design methodology is a series of three steps including: Architecture Selection, Control Synthesis and Verification/Optimization. I extend Architecture Selection to support a mixed discrete and continuous design space. The proposed approach is an iterative process, where a discrete architecture Selection engine is placed in a loop with a continuous Sizing engine. First, the Selection engine proposes a candidate architecture to the Sizing engine. Then, the Sizing engine attempts to optimize continuous parameters subject to formalized design requirements, which are monitored using simulation. If the Sizing engine cannot find a feasible solution, the Selection engine is queried for another candidate architecture and the process repeats. I illustrate the methodology on an industrial case study, namely an aircraft Environmental Control System. Finally, I show how balance equations and conservation laws can be used to prune the discrete search space and reduce the number of simulations. In my experiments, I obtain more than an order of magnitude reduction in design runtime.

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  • HTML
    John B. Finn. <a
    ><i>Optimal Architecture Selection for an Aircraft
    Environmental Control System</i></a>, Master's
    thesis,  University of California Berkeley, May, 2015.
  • Plain text
    John B. Finn. "Optimal Architecture Selection for an
    Aircraft Environmental Control System". Master's
    thesis,  University of California Berkeley, May, 2015.
  • BibTeX
        author = {John B. Finn},
        title = {Optimal Architecture Selection for an Aircraft
                  Environmental Control System},
        school = {University of California Berkeley},
        month = {May},
        year = {2015},
        abstract = {Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) are characterized by
                  a tight coupling between the physical and the
                  computational worlds. As system complexity and
                  heterogeneity increase, it is becoming more
                  difficult to perform design space exploration at
                  the system level and analyses between the system
                  architecture and control algorithms. Often,
                  designers are expected to solve combinatorial
                  problems over a large discrete variable space that
                  is coupled to a continuous space, where expensive,
                  high-fidelity simulations must be run to achieve
                  the desired accuracy. In this thesis, I build upon
                  a design methodology, based on the principles of
                  Platform Based Design, to address the challenges
                  associated with next generation CPS. The CPS
                  design methodology is a series of three steps
                  including: Architecture Selection, Control
                  Synthesis and Verification/Optimization. I extend
                  Architecture Selection to support a mixed discrete
                  and continuous design space. The proposed approach
                  is an iterative process, where a discrete
                  architecture Selection engine is placed in a loop
                  with a continuous Sizing engine. First, the
                  Selection engine proposes a candidate architecture
                  to the Sizing engine. Then, the Sizing engine
                  attempts to optimize continuous parameters subject
                  to formalized design requirements, which are
                  monitored using simulation. If the Sizing engine
                  cannot find a feasible solution, the Selection
                  engine is queried for another candidate
                  architecture and the process repeats. I illustrate
                  the methodology on an industrial case study,
                  namely an aircraft Environmental Control System.
                  Finally, I show how balance equations and
                  conservation laws can be used to prune the
                  discrete search space and reduce the number of
                  simulations. In my experiments, I obtain more than
                  an order of magnitude reduction in design runtime.},
        URL = {http://icyphy.org/pubs/61.html}

Posted by John B. Finn, IV on 6 Sep 2015.
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