A Component Architecture for the Internet of Things
Christopher Brooks, Chadlia Jerad, Hokeun Kim, Edward A. Lee, Marten Lohstroh, Victor Nouvellet, Beth Osyk, Matt Weber

Christopher Brooks, Chadlia Jerad, Hokeun Kim, Edward A. Lee, Marten Lohstroh, Victor Nouvellet, Beth Osyk, Matt Weber. "A Component Architecture for the Internet of Things". To Appear in Proceedings of the IEEE, 2018.

We describe a component-based software architecture for the Internet of Things in which proxies for Things and services that we call "accessors" interact with one another under a concurrent, time-stamped, discrete-event (DE) semantics. These proxies are analogous to web pages, which proxy a cloud-based service such as a bank, but instead of being designed to interface those services with humans, accessors are designed to interface services and Things with other services and Things. A deterministic DE semantics is combined with a widely used pattern for handling network interactions that we call "asynchronous atomic callbacks" (AAC). AAC enables many concurrent pending requests to be active at once without blocking and without the treacherous concurrency pitfalls of threads. In effect, our architecture combines AAC with actors where the actor model has been endowed with a temporal semantics. We show how this architecture can leverage the previously reported Secure Swarm Toolkit (SST) to achieve state-of-the-art authentication, authorization, and encryption of interactions across networks.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Christopher Brooks, Chadlia Jerad, Hokeun Kim, Edward A.
    			      Lee, Marten Lohstroh, Victor Nouvellet, Beth Osyk, Matt
    			      Weber. <a
    			      href="http://www.icyphy.org/pubs/75.html" >A
    			      Component Architecture for the Internet of Things</a>,
    			      <i>To Appear in Proceedings of the IEEE</i>, 
  • Plain text
    Christopher Brooks, Chadlia Jerad, Hokeun Kim, Edward A.
    			      Lee, Marten Lohstroh, Victor Nouvellet, Beth Osyk, Matt
    			      Weber. "A Component Architecture for the Internet of
    			      Things". <i>To Appear in Proceedings of the
    			      IEEE</i>,  2018.
  • BibTeX
    			      author = {Christopher Brooks and Chadlia Jerad and Hokeun
    			      Kim and Edward A. Lee and Marten Lohstroh and
    			      Victor Nouvellet and Beth Osyk and Matt Weber},
    			      title = {A Component Architecture for the Internet of Things},
    			      journal = {To Appear in Proceedings of the IEEE},
    			      year = {2018},
    			      abstract = {We describe a component-based software
    			      architecture for the Internet of Things in which
    			      proxies for Things and services that we call
    			      "accessors" interact with one another under a
    			      concurrent, time-stamped, discrete-event (DE)
    			      semantics. These proxies are analogous to web
    			      pages, which proxy a cloud-based service such as a
    			      bank, but instead of being designed to interface
    			      those services with humans, accessors are designed
    			      to interface services and Things with other
    			      services and Things. A deterministic DE semantics
    			      is combined with a widely used pattern for
    			      handling network interactions that we call
    			      "asynchronous atomic callbacks" (AAC). AAC enables
    			      many concurrent pending requests to be active at
    			      once without blocking and without the treacherous
    			      concurrency pitfalls of threads. In effect, our
    			      architecture combines AAC with actors where the
    			      actor model has been endowed with a temporal
    			      semantics. We show how this architecture can
    			      leverage the previously reported Secure Swarm
    			      Toolkit (SST) to achieve state-of-the-art
    			      authentication, authorization, and encryption of
    			      interactions across networks.},
    			      URL = {http://icyphy.org/pubs/75.html}

Posted by Marten Lohstroh on 13 Jan 2018.
Groups: accessors
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