Data-Driven Probabilistic Modeling and Verification of Human Driver Behavior
Dorsa Sadigh, Katherine Driggs Campbell, Alberto Puggelli, Wenchao Li, Victor Shia, Ruzena Bajcsy, Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Shankar Sastry, Sanjit Seshia

Dorsa Sadigh, Katherine Driggs Campbell, Alberto Puggelli, Wenchao Li, Victor Shia, Ruzena Bajcsy, Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Shankar Sastry, Sanjit Seshia. "Data-Driven Probabilistic Modeling and Verification of Human Driver Behavior". AAAI Spring Symposium on Formal Verification and Modeling in Human-Machine Systems, 2014.

We address the problem of formally verifying quantitative properties of driver models.We first propose a novel stochastic model of the driver behavior based on Convex Markov Chains, i.e., Markov chains in which the transition probabilities are only known to lie in convex uncertainty sets. This formalism captures the intrinsic uncertainty in estimating transition probabilities starting from experimentally-collected data. We then formally verify properties of the model expressed in probabilistic computation tree logic (PCTL). Results show that our approach can correctly predict quantitative information about driver behavior depending on her state, e.g., whether he or she is attentive or distracted.

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  • HTML
    Dorsa Sadigh, Katherine Driggs Campbell, Alberto Puggelli,
    Wenchao Li, Victor Shia, Ruzena Bajcsy, Alberto L.
    Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Shankar Sastry, Sanjit Seshia.
    >Data-Driven Probabilistic Modeling and Verification of
    Human Driver Behavior</a>, AAAI Spring Symposium on
    Formal Verification and Modeling in Human-Machine Systems,
  • Plain text
    Dorsa Sadigh, Katherine Driggs Campbell, Alberto Puggelli,
    Wenchao Li, Victor Shia, Ruzena Bajcsy, Alberto L.
    Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Shankar Sastry, Sanjit Seshia.
    "Data-Driven Probabilistic Modeling and Verification of
    Human Driver Behavior". AAAI Spring Symposium on Formal
    Verification and Modeling in Human-Machine Systems, 2014.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Dorsa Sadigh and Katherine Driggs Campbell and
                  Alberto Puggelli and Wenchao Li and Victor Shia
                  and Ruzena Bajcsy and Alberto L.
                  Sangiovanni-Vincentelli and Shankar Sastry and
                  Sanjit Seshia},
        title = {Data-Driven Probabilistic Modeling and
                  Verification of Human Driver Behavior},
        booktitle = {AAAI Spring Symposium on Formal Verification and
                  Modeling in Human-Machine Systems},
        year = {2014},
        abstract = {We address the problem of formally verifying
                  quantitative properties of driver models.We first
                  propose a novel stochastic model of the driver
                  behavior based on Convex Markov Chains, i.e.,
                  Markov chains in which the transition
                  probabilities are only known to lie in convex
                  uncertainty sets. This formalism captures the
                  intrinsic uncertainty in estimating transition
                  probabilities starting from
                  experimentally-collected data. We then formally
                  verify properties of the model expressed in
                  probabilistic computation tree logic (PCTL).
                  Results show that our approach can correctly
                  predict quantitative information about driver
                  behavior depending on her state, e.g., whether he
                  or she is attentive or distracted.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Ehsan Elhamifar on 16 May 2014.
Groups: ehumans
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