TerraSwarm Machine Learning Hands-On Workshop: September 15, 2014


The Machine Learning Hands On Workshop was held September 15, 2014 in Rochester, NY. Twenty-six people attended, including industry sponsors, faculty members and students. Seven universities were represented.

The goal of this hands-on workshop was to familiarize attendees with the work being done in Machine Learning within TerraSwarm. Jeff Bilmes (UWash) provided an overview of the Machine Learning Tools available. Ilge Akkaya (UCB) provided an overview of Ptolemy models for Machine Learning and Optimization for the swarm. After presentations, teams of 2 to 4 developed Machine Learning applications using various components of the SwarmOS.

Attendees were required to install software and read several papers. See the wiki for further details.

Organizing Committee:

Administrative Organizing Committee

Sponsored by: TerraSwarm Research Center