
The TerraSwarm Research Center assembled a world-class team whose expertise spans the diverse disciplines required by this project. The team included experts in large-scale, adaptive, cyber-physical control systems (Kumar, Murray, and Pappas); programming models and tools for heterogeneous, real-time, and distributed cyber-physical systems (Lee, Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, and Seshia); security in systems with dynamic topologies (Fu, Kubiatowicz); machine learning (Bilmes, Fox, Guestrin); privacy (Hartman, Pappas); networked sensor and actuator platform design (Blaauw, Dutta, and Jafari); signal analytics (Jonesl); wireless networking and distributed systems (Rabaey); system architecture (Kubiatowicz, Rowe, and Rosing); application platforms (Kumar, Rosing, and Wawrzynek); and the human intranet (Arias, Abbeel, Carmena, Hartmann, Maharbiz and Rabaey).
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