Efficient Energy Management and Data Recovery in Sensor Networks using Latent Variables Based Tensor Factorization
Bojan Milosevic, Jinseok Yang, Sameer Tilak, Piero Zappi, Elisabetta Farella, Luca Benini, Tajana Simunic Rosing

Bojan Milosevic, Jinseok Yang, Sameer Tilak, Piero Zappi, Elisabetta Farella, Luca Benini, Tajana Simunic Rosing. "Efficient Energy Management and Data Recovery in Sensor Networks using Latent Variables Based Tensor Factorization". ACM/IEEE International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems 2013, 2013.

A key factor in a successful sensor network deployment is finding a good balance between maximizing the number of measurements taken (to maintain a good sampling rate) and minimizing the overall energy consumption (to extend the network lifetime). In this work, we present a data-driven sta- tistical model to optimize this tradeoff. Our approach takes advantage of the multivariate nature of the data collected by a heterogeneous sensor network to learn spatio-temporal patterns. These patterns enable us to employ an aggressive duty cycling policy on the individual sensor nodes, thereby reducing the overall energy consumption. Our experiments with the OMNeT++ network simulator using realistic wire- less channel conditions, on data collected from two real- world sensor networks, show that we can sample just 20% of the data and can reconstruct the remaining 80% of the data with less than 9% mean error, outperforming similar techniques such is distributed compressive sampling. In ad- dition, energy savings ranging up to 76%, depending on the sampling rate and the hardware configuration of the node.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Bojan Milosevic, Jinseok Yang, Sameer Tilak, Piero  Zappi,
    Elisabetta Farella, Luca Benini, Tajana Simunic Rosing.
    >Efficient Energy Management and Data Recovery in Sensor
    Networks using Latent Variables Based Tensor
    Factorization</a>, ACM/IEEE International Conference
    on Modeling, Analysis  and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile
    Systems 2013, 2013.
  • Plain text
    Bojan Milosevic, Jinseok Yang, Sameer Tilak, Piero  Zappi,
    Elisabetta Farella, Luca Benini, Tajana Simunic Rosing.
    "Efficient Energy Management and Data Recovery in
    Sensor Networks using Latent Variables Based Tensor
    Factorization". ACM/IEEE International Conference on
    Modeling, Analysis  and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile
    Systems 2013, 2013.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Bojan Milosevic and Jinseok Yang and Sameer Tilak
                  and Piero  Zappi and Elisabetta Farella and Luca
                  Benini and Tajana Simunic Rosing},
        title = {Efficient Energy Management and Data Recovery in
                  Sensor Networks using Latent Variables Based
                  Tensor Factorization},
        booktitle = {ACM/IEEE International Conference on Modeling,
                  Analysis  and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile
                  Systems 2013},
        year = {2013},
        abstract = {A key factor in a successful sensor network
                  deployment is finding a good balance between
                  maximizing the number of measurements taken (to
                  maintain a good sampling rate) and minimizing the
                  overall energy consumption (to extend the network
                  lifetime). In this work, we present a data-driven
                  sta- tistical model to optimize this tradeoff. Our
                  approach takes advantage of the multivariate
                  nature of the data collected by a heterogeneous
                  sensor network to learn spatio-temporal patterns.
                  These patterns enable us to employ an aggressive
                  duty cycling policy on the individual sensor
                  nodes, thereby reducing the overall energy
                  consumption. Our experiments with the OMNeT++
                  network simulator using realistic wire- less
                  channel conditions, on data collected from two
                  real- world sensor networks, show that we can
                  sample just 20% of the data and can reconstruct
                  the remaining 80% of the data with less than 9%
                  mean error, outperforming similar techniques such
                  is distributed compressive sampling. In ad-
                  dition, energy savings ranging up to 76%,
                  depending on the sampling rate and the hardware
                  configuration of the node. },
        URL = {http://terraswarm.org/pubs/100.html}

Posted by Mila MacBain on 21 Aug 2013.

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