Stabilizability over Deterministic Relay Networks
Miroslav Pajic, Shreyas Sundaram, George Pappas

Miroslav Pajic, Shreyas Sundaram, George Pappas. "Stabilizability over Deterministic Relay Networks". IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2013, December, 2013.

We consider the problem of linear system stabilization using a set of decentralized controllers that communicate with the plant's sensors over a network that employs linear network coding. Our analysis is built upon an existing algebraic description of deterministic relay networks, which is able to model broadcast transmissions and multiple access channel constraints. Since these networks can be described as linear time-invariant systems with specific transfer functions, this network representation allows us to reason about the control system and network (and their interaction) using a common mathematical framework. In this paper we characterize algebraic and topological stabilizability conditions for a wide class of these networks. Our analysis shows that the (algebraic) structure of a network required for stabilization of a dynamical plant can be related to the plant's dynamics; in particular, we prove that the geometric multiplicities of the plant's unstable eigenvalues play a key role in the ability to stabilize the system over such networks.

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  • HTML
    Miroslav Pajic, Shreyas Sundaram, George Pappas. <a
    >Stabilizability over Deterministic Relay
    Networks</a>, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
    2013, December, 2013.
  • Plain text
    Miroslav Pajic, Shreyas Sundaram, George Pappas.
    "Stabilizability over Deterministic Relay
    Networks". IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
    2013, December, 2013.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Miroslav Pajic and Shreyas Sundaram and George
        title = {Stabilizability over Deterministic Relay Networks},
        booktitle = {IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2013},
        month = {December},
        year = {2013},
        abstract = {We consider the problem of linear system
                  stabilization using a set of decentralized
                  controllers that communicate with the plant's
                  sensors over a network that employs linear network
                  coding. Our analysis is built upon an existing
                  algebraic description of deterministic relay
                  networks, which is able to model broadcast
                  transmissions and multiple access channel
                  constraints. Since these networks can be described
                  as linear time-invariant systems with specific
                  transfer functions, this network representation
                  allows us to reason about the control system and
                  network (and their interaction) using a common
                  mathematical framework. In this paper we
                  characterize algebraic and topological
                  stabilizability conditions for a wide class of
                  these networks. Our analysis shows that the
                  (algebraic) structure of a network required for
                  stabilization of a dynamical plant can be related
                  to the plant's dynamics; in particular, we prove
                  that the geometric multiplicities of the plant's
                  unstable eigenvalues play a key role in the
                  ability to stabilize the system over such networks.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Mila MacBain on 17 Sep 2013.

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