Exact Stability Analysis of Discrete-Time Linear Systems with Stochastic Delays
Marcella Gomez, Wubing B. Qin, Gabor Orosz, Richard Murray

Marcella Gomez, Wubing B. Qin, Gabor Orosz, Richard Murray. "Exact Stability Analysis of Discrete-Time Linear Systems with Stochastic Delays". American Control Conference 2014, June, 2014.

This paper provides analytical results regarding the stability of linear discrete-time systems with stochastic delays. Necessary and sufficient stability conditions are derived by using the second moment dynamics which can be used to draw stability charts. The results are applied to a simple connected vehicle system where the stability regions are compared to those given by the mean dynamics. Our results reveal some fundamental limitations of connected cruise control which becomes more significant as the packet drop ratio increases.

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  • HTML
    Marcella Gomez, Wubing B. Qin, Gabor Orosz, Richard Murray.
    >Exact Stability Analysis of Discrete-Time Linear Systems
    with Stochastic Delays</a>, American Control
    Conference 2014, June, 2014.
  • Plain text
    Marcella Gomez, Wubing B. Qin, Gabor Orosz, Richard Murray.
    "Exact Stability Analysis of Discrete-Time Linear
    Systems with Stochastic Delays". American Control
    Conference 2014, June, 2014.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Marcella Gomez and Wubing B. Qin and Gabor Orosz
                  and Richard Murray},
        title = {Exact Stability Analysis of Discrete-Time Linear
                  Systems with Stochastic Delays},
        booktitle = {American Control Conference 2014},
        month = {June},
        year = {2014},
        abstract = {This paper provides analytical results regarding
                  the stability of linear discrete-time systems with
                  stochastic delays. Necessary and sufficient
                  stability conditions are derived by using the
                  second moment dynamics which can be used to draw
                  stability charts. The results are applied to a
                  simple connected vehicle system where the
                  stability regions are compared to those given by
                  the mean dynamics. Our results reveal some
                  fundamental limitations of connected cruise
                  control which becomes more significant as the
                  packet drop ratio increases.},
        URL = {http://terraswarm.org/pubs/149.html}

Posted by Mila MacBain on 18 Oct 2013.

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