Context-Aware Ubiquitous Environmental Sensing
Jagannathan Venkatesh, Jinseok Yang, Ralf Hermann, Hans-Werner Braun, Tajana Simunic Rosing

Jagannathan Venkatesh, Jinseok Yang, Ralf Hermann, Hans-Werner Braun, Tajana Simunic Rosing. "Context-Aware Ubiquitous Environmental Sensing". Talk or presentation, 5, November, 2013.

The "smart" in smart cities involves data gathering and processing. Sensor networks that enable data collection must be augmented with processing and delivery capabilities. Additionally, context-sensitive data is paramount to allow users to process and react to data appropriately. In this presentation, we overview two sensing systems: Citisense, a mobile air quality detection platform, and HPWREN, a fixed environmental sensor network. We demonstrate both how adaptive sensing and context-aware management improves system and device lifetime, as well as enhances user experience through access to user-specific, context-aware data in an UnPad environment.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Jagannathan Venkatesh, Jinseok Yang, Ralf Hermann,
    Hans-Werner Braun, Tajana Simunic Rosing. <a
    ><i>Context-Aware Ubiquitous Environmental
    Sensing</i></a>, Talk or presentation,  5,
    November, 2013.
  • Plain text
    Jagannathan Venkatesh, Jinseok Yang, Ralf Hermann,
    Hans-Werner Braun, Tajana Simunic Rosing.
    "Context-Aware Ubiquitous Environmental Sensing".
    Talk or presentation,  5, November, 2013.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Jagannathan Venkatesh and Jinseok Yang and Ralf
                  Hermann and Hans-Werner Braun and Tajana Simunic
        title = {Context-Aware Ubiquitous Environmental Sensing},
        day = {5},
        month = {November},
        year = {2013},
        abstract = {The "smart" in smart cities involves data
                  gathering and processing. Sensor networks that
                  enable data collection must be augmented with
                  processing and delivery capabilities.
                  Additionally, context-sensitive data is paramount
                  to allow users to process and react to data
                  appropriately. In this presentation, we overview
                  two sensing systems: Citisense, a mobile air
                  quality detection platform, and HPWREN, a fixed
                  environmental sensor network. We demonstrate both
                  how adaptive sensing and context-aware management
                  improves system and device lifetime, as well as
                  enhances user experience through access to
                  user-specific, context-aware data in an UnPad
                  environment. 	 },
        URL = {}

Posted by Jagannathan Venkatesh on 4 Nov 2013.

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