Theme 2: Platform Architecturesand Operating Systems
Prabal Dutta, John D. Kubiatowicz
Prabal Dutta, John D. Kubiatowicz
Prabal Dutta, John D. Kubiatowicz. "Theme 2: Platform Architecturesand Operating Systems". Talk or presentation, 5, November, 2013; Presented at the 2013 TerraSwarm Annual Meeting.
Develop a hierarchical and compositional system architecture
- Supported by a distributed, loosely coupled executive (SwarmOS)
- Accommodate heterogeneous and dynamic compositions of
- Sensor and actuator devices
- Mobile vehicles
- Handheld devices
- Networking components
- Cloud infrastructure.
- Dynamically balance the needs of
- Distributed concurrent application resources
- Quality of service (QoS)
- Real-time guarantees
- Respect the privacy and integrity of streams of information
- Support applications structured as
- Dynamic, hierarchical graphs of services
- Components providing assured QoS through resource
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Prabal Dutta, John D. Kubiatowicz. <a href=""><i>Theme 2: Platform Architecturesand Operating Systems</i></a>, Talk or presentation, 5, November, 2013; Presented at the <a href="" >2013 TerraSwarm Annual Meeting</a>.
- Plain text
Prabal Dutta, John D. Kubiatowicz. "Theme 2: Platform Architecturesand Operating Systems". Talk or presentation, 5, November, 2013; Presented at the <a href="" >2013 TerraSwarm Annual Meeting</a>.
- BibTeX
@presentation{DuttaKubiatowicz13_Theme2PlatformArchitecturesandOperatingSystems, author = {Prabal Dutta and John D. Kubiatowicz}, title = {Theme 2: Platform Architecturesand Operating Systems}, day = {5}, month = {November}, year = {2013}, note = {Presented at the <a href="" >2013 TerraSwarm Annual Meeting</a>.}, abstract = {Develop a hierarchical and compositional system architecture <ul> <li>Supported by a distributed, loosely coupled executive (SwarmOS) <li>Accommodate heterogeneous and dynamic compositions of <ul> <li>Sensor and actuator devices <li>Mobile vehicles <li>Handheld devices <li>Networking components <li>Cloud infrastructure. </ul> <li>Dynamically balance the needs of <ul> <li>Distributed concurrent application resources <li>Quality of service (QoS) <li>Real-time guarantees </ul> <li>Respect the privacy and integrity of streams of information <li>Support applications structured as <ul> <li>Dynamic, hierarchical graphs of services <li>Components providing assured QoS through resource </ul>}, URL = {} }
Posted by Christopher Brooks on 5 Nov 2013.
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