Control Improvisation with Application to Music
Alexandre Donze, Libkind Sophie, Sanjit Seshia, David Wessel

Alexandre Donze, Libkind Sophie, Sanjit Seshia, David Wessel. "Control Improvisation with Application to Music". Technical report, UC Berkeley, P068797, November, 2013.

We introduce the concept of control improvisation, the process of generating a random sequence of control events guided by a reference sequence and satisfying a given specification. We propose a formal definition of the control improvisation problem and an empirical solution applied to the domain of music. More specifically, we consider the scenario of generating a monophonic Jazz melody (solo) on a given song harmonization. The music is encoded symbolically, with the improviser generating a sequence of note symbols comprising pairs of pitches (frequencies) and discrete durations. Our approach can be decomposed roughly into two phases: a generalization phase, that learns from a training sequence (e.g., obtained from a human improviser) an automaton generating similar sequences, and a supervision phase that enforces a specification on the generated sequence, imposing constraints on the music in both the pitch and rhythmic domains. The supervision uses a measure adapted from Normalized Compression Distances (NCD) to estimate the divergence between generated melodies and the training melody and employs strategies to bound this divergence. An empirical evaluation is presented on a sample set of Jazz music.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Alexandre Donze, Libkind Sophie, Sanjit Seshia, David
    Wessel. <a
    ><i>Control Improvisation with Application to
    Music</i></a>, Technical report,  UC Berkeley,
    P068797, November, 2013.
  • Plain text
    Alexandre Donze, Libkind Sophie, Sanjit Seshia, David
    Wessel. "Control Improvisation with Application to
    Music". Technical report,  UC Berkeley, P068797,
    November, 2013.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Alexandre Donze and Libkind Sophie and Sanjit
                  Seshia and David Wessel},
        title = {Control Improvisation with Application to Music},
        institution = {UC Berkeley},
        number = {P068797},
        month = {November},
        year = {2013},
        abstract = { We introduce the concept of control
                  improvisation, the process of generating a random
                  sequence of control events guided by a reference
                  sequence and satisfying a given specification. We
                  propose a formal definition of the control
                  improvisation problem and an empirical solution
                  applied to the domain of music. More specifically,
                  we consider the scenario of generating a
                  monophonic Jazz melody (solo) on a given song
                  harmonization. The music is encoded symbolically,
                  with the improviser generating a sequence of note
                  symbols comprising pairs of pitches (frequencies)
                  and discrete durations. Our approach can be
                  decomposed roughly into two phases: a
                  generalization phase, that learns from a training
                  sequence (e.g., obtained from a human improviser)
                  an automaton generating similar sequences, and a
                  supervision phase that enforces a specification on
                  the generated sequence, imposing constraints on
                  the music in both the pitch and rhythmic domains.
                  The supervision uses a measure adapted from
                  Normalized Compression Distances (NCD) to estimate
                  the divergence between generated melodies and the
                  training melody and employs strategies to bound
                  this divergence. An empirical evaluation is
                  presented on a sample set of Jazz music. },
        URL = {}

Posted by Alexandre Donze on 11 Nov 2013.
Groups: tools

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