Mechanisms for Fair Exchange and Micropayments in the Swarm
Nitesh Mor, John D. Kubiatowicz

Nitesh Mor, John D. Kubiatowicz. "Mechanisms for Fair Exchange and Micropayments in the Swarm". Talk or presentation, 5, November, 2013; Poster presented at the 2013 TerraSwarm Annual Meeting.

Fair exchange of items between two parties is a problem that is traditionally solved by using a trusted escrow service. This problem becomes important in the context of swarm where different components of the swarm exchange money for services and trust is hard to build. Another important problem is that of micropayments: current digital payment infrastructures can not scale beyond a few thousand transactions per second. Thus, new mechanisms are required to handle payments for the swarm. We provide solution to both these problems using a combination of bitcoin and secure hardware (TPM). Bitcoin is used both as a digital currency and as a distributed consensus mechanism, while secure hardware on swarm devices prevents them from cheating.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Nitesh Mor, John D. Kubiatowicz. <a
    for Fair Exchange and Micropayments in the
    Swarm</i></a>, Talk or presentation,  5,
    November, 2013; Poster presented at the <a
    >2013 TerraSwarm Annual Meeting</a>.
  • Plain text
    Nitesh Mor, John D. Kubiatowicz. "Mechanisms for Fair
    Exchange and Micropayments in the Swarm". Talk or
    presentation,  5, November, 2013; Poster presented at the
    >2013 TerraSwarm Annual Meeting</a>.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Nitesh Mor and John D. Kubiatowicz},
        title = {Mechanisms for Fair Exchange and Micropayments in
                  the Swarm},
        day = {5},
        month = {November},
        year = {2013},
        note = {Poster presented at the <a
                  >2013 TerraSwarm Annual Meeting</a>.},
        abstract = {Fair exchange of items between two parties is a
                  problem that is traditionally solved by using a
                  trusted escrow service. This problem becomes
                  important in the context of swarm where different
                  components of the swarm exchange money for
                  services and trust is hard to build. Another
                  important problem is that of micropayments:
                  current digital payment infrastructures can not
                  scale beyond a few thousand transactions per
                  second. Thus, new mechanisms are required to
                  handle payments for the swarm. We provide solution
                  to both these problems using a combination of
                  bitcoin and secure hardware (TPM). Bitcoin is used
                  both as a digital currency and as a distributed
                  consensus mechanism, while secure hardware on
                  swarm devices prevents them from cheating.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Nitesh Mor on 18 Nov 2013.
Groups: services

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