Library-Based Scalable Refinement Checking for Contract-Based Design
Antonio Iannopollo, Pierluigi Nuzzo, Stavros Tripakis, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli

Antonio Iannopollo, Pierluigi Nuzzo, Stavros Tripakis, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli. "Library-Based Scalable Refinement Checking for Contract-Based Design". Talk or presentation, November, 2013; Poster presented at the 2013 TerraSwarm Annual Meeting.

Contract-based design (CBD) is currently emerging as a paradigm to harness the complexity of system design by enabling compositional reasoning, hierarchical design and component reuse. In CBD, components are specified by contracts and systems by compositions of contracts. A contract denotes both a set of components that implement a specification and a set of environments in which it can operate. Given a global specification contract and a system described by a composition of contracts, system verification reduces to checking that the composite contract refines the specification contract, i.e. that any implementation of the composite contract implements the specification contract and is able to operate in any environment admitted by it. Devising algorithms for efficient refinement checking is therefore key to the successful deployment of a contract-based methodology. In several applications, contracts are captured using high-level declarative languages, such as linear temporal logic (LTL). In this case, refinement checking reduces to an LTL satisfiability checking problem, which can be very expensive to solve for large composite contracts due to the well known state explosion problem. This paper proposes a scalable refinement checking approach that relies on a library of contracts and local refinement assertions. We propose an algorithm which, given such a library, breaks down the refinement checking problem into multiple successive refinement checks, each of smaller scale. We illustrate the benefits of the approach on an industrial case study of an aircraft electric power system, showing up to two orders of magnitude improvement in terms of execution time.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Antonio Iannopollo, Pierluigi Nuzzo, Stavros Tripakis,
    Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli. <a
    Scalable Refinement Checking for Contract-Based
    Design</i></a>, Talk or presentation,  November,
    2013; Poster presented at the <a
    >2013 TerraSwarm Annual Meeting</a>.
  • Plain text
    Antonio Iannopollo, Pierluigi Nuzzo, Stavros Tripakis,
    Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli. "Library-Based
    Scalable Refinement Checking for Contract-Based
    Design". Talk or presentation,  November, 2013; Poster
    presented at the <a
    >2013 TerraSwarm Annual Meeting</a>.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Antonio Iannopollo and Pierluigi Nuzzo and Stavros
                  Tripakis and Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli},
        title = {Library-Based Scalable Refinement Checking for
                  Contract-Based Design},
        month = {November},
        year = {2013},
        note = {Poster presented at the <a
                  >2013 TerraSwarm Annual Meeting</a>.},
        abstract = {Contract-based design (CBD) is currently emerging
                  as a paradigm to harness the complexity of system
                  design by enabling compositional reasoning,
                  hierarchical design and component reuse. In CBD,
                  components are specified by contracts and systems
                  by compositions of contracts. A contract denotes
                  both a set of components that implement a
                  specification and a set of environments in which
                  it can operate. Given a global specification
                  contract and a system described by a composition
                  of contracts, system verification reduces to
                  checking that the composite contract refines the
                  specification contract, i.e. that any
                  implementation of the composite contract
                  implements the specification contract and is able
                  to operate in any environment admitted by it.
                  Devising algorithms for efficient refinement
                  checking is therefore key to the successful
                  deployment of a contract-based methodology. In
                  several applications, contracts are captured using
                  high-level declarative languages, such as linear
                  temporal logic (LTL). In this case, refinement
                  checking reduces to an LTL satisfiability checking
                  problem, which can be very expensive to solve for
                  large composite contracts due to the well known
                  state explosion problem. This paper proposes a
                  scalable refinement checking approach that relies
                  on a library of contracts and local refinement
                  assertions. We propose an algorithm which, given
                  such a library, breaks down the refinement
                  checking problem into multiple successive
                  refinement checks, each of smaller scale. We
                  illustrate the benefits of the approach on an
                  industrial case study of an aircraft electric
                  power system, showing up to two orders of
                  magnitude improvement in terms of execution time.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Antonio Iannopollo on 13 Dec 2013.

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