A Contract-Based Methodology for Aircraft Electric Power System Design
Pierluigi Nuzzo, Huan Xu, Necmiye Ozay, John B. Finn, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Richard Murray, Alexandre Donze, Sanjit Seshia

Pierluigi Nuzzo, Huan Xu, Necmiye Ozay, John B. Finn, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Richard Murray, Alexandre Donze, Sanjit Seshia. "A Contract-Based Methodology for Aircraft Electric Power System Design". IEEE Access, March 2014.

In an aircraft electric power system, one or more supervisory control units actuate a set of electromechanical switches to dynamically distribute power from generators to loads, while satisfying safety, reliability and real-time performance requirements. To reduce expensive re-design steps, this control problem is generally addressed by minor incremental changes on top of consolidated solutions. A more systematic approach is hindered by a lack of rigorous design methodologies that allow estimating the impact of earlier design decisions on the final implementation. To achieve an optimal implementation that satisfies a set of requirements, we propose a platform-based methodology for electric power system design, which enables independent implementation of system topology (i.e. interconnection among elements) and control protocol by using a compositional approach. In our flow, design space exploration is carried out as a sequence of refinement steps from the initial specification towards a final implementation by mapping higher-level behavioral and performance models into a set of either existing or virtual library components at the lower level of abstraction. Specifications are first expressed using the formalisms of linear temporal logic, signal temporal logic and arithmetic constraints on Boolean variables. To reason about different requirements, we use specialized analysis and synthesis frameworks and formulate assume-guarantee contracts at the articulation points in the design flow. We show the effectiveness of our approach on a proof-of-concept electric power system design.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Pierluigi Nuzzo, Huan Xu, Necmiye Ozay, John B. Finn,
    Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Richard Murray, Alexandre
    Donze, Sanjit Seshia. <a
    >A Contract-Based Methodology for Aircraft Electric Power
    System Design</a>, <i>IEEE Access</i>,
    March 2014.
  • Plain text
    Pierluigi Nuzzo, Huan Xu, Necmiye Ozay, John B. Finn,
    Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Richard Murray, Alexandre
    Donze, Sanjit Seshia. "A Contract-Based Methodology for
    Aircraft Electric Power System Design". <i>IEEE
    Access</i>, March 2014.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Pierluigi Nuzzo and Huan Xu and Necmiye Ozay and
                  John B. Finn and Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli
                  and Richard Murray and Alexandre Donze and Sanjit
        title = {A Contract-Based Methodology for Aircraft Electric
                  Power System Design},
        journal = {IEEE Access},
        month = {March},
        year = {2014},
        abstract = {In an aircraft electric power system, one or more
                  supervisory control units actuate a set of
                  electromechanical switches to dynamically
                  distribute power from generators to loads, while
                  satisfying safety, reliability and real-time
                  performance requirements. To reduce expensive
                  re-design steps, this control problem is generally
                  addressed by minor incremental changes on top of
                  consolidated solutions. A more systematic approach
                  is hindered by a lack of rigorous design
                  methodologies that allow estimating the impact of
                  earlier design decisions on the final
                  implementation. To achieve an optimal
                  implementation that satisfies a set of
                  requirements, we propose a platform-based
                  methodology for electric power system design,
                  which enables independent implementation of system
                  topology (i.e. interconnection among elements) and
                  control protocol by using a compositional
                  approach. In our flow, design space exploration is
                  carried out as a sequence of refinement steps from
                  the initial specification towards a final
                  implementation by mapping higher-level behavioral
                  and performance models into a set of either
                  existing or virtual library components at the
                  lower level of abstraction. Specifications are
                  first expressed using the formalisms of linear
                  temporal logic, signal temporal logic and
                  arithmetic constraints on Boolean variables. To
                  reason about different requirements, we use
                  specialized analysis and synthesis frameworks and
                  formulate assume-guarantee contracts at the
                  articulation points in the design flow. We show
                  the effectiveness of our approach on a
                  proof-of-concept electric power system design.},
        URL = {http://terraswarm.org/pubs/239.html}

Posted by Barb Hoversten on 2 Jan 2014.
Groups: tools

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