Towards Minimal Explanations of Unsynthesizability for High-Level Robot Behaviors
Vasu Raman, Hadas Kress-Gazit

Vasu Raman, Hadas Kress-Gazit. "Towards Minimal Explanations of Unsynthesizability for High-Level Robot Behaviors". International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IEEE/RSJ (ed.), 3, November, 2013.

High-level robot control has recently seen the application of formal methods to the automatic synthesis of correct-by-construction controllers from user-defined specifications. When a specification fails to yield a corresponding controller, existing techniques provide feedback on portions of the specification that cause the failure, but at a coarse granularity. This work provides techniques for extracting minimal explanations of such failures. The approach is shown to provide refinement of the feedback on several example specifications.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Vasu Raman, Hadas Kress-Gazit. <a
    >Towards Minimal Explanations of Unsynthesizability for
    High-Level Robot Behaviors</a>, International
    Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems,  IEEE/RSJ
    (ed.), 3, November, 2013.
  • Plain text
    Vasu Raman, Hadas Kress-Gazit. "Towards Minimal
    Explanations of Unsynthesizability for High-Level Robot
    Behaviors". International Conference on Intelligent
    Robots and Systems,  IEEE/RSJ (ed.), 3, November, 2013.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Vasu Raman and Hadas Kress-Gazit},
        title = {Towards Minimal Explanations of Unsynthesizability
                  for High-Level Robot Behaviors},
        booktitle = {International Conference on Intelligent Robots and
        editor = { IEEE/RSJ},
        day = {3},
        month = {November},
        year = {2013},
        abstract = {High-level robot control has recently seen the
                  application of formal methods to the automatic
                  synthesis of correct-by-construction controllers
                  from user-defined specifications. When a
                  specification fails to yield a corresponding
                  controller, existing techniques provide feedback
                  on portions of the specification that cause the
                  failure, but at a coarse granularity. This work
                  provides techniques for extracting minimal
                  explanations of such failures. The approach is
                  shown to provide refinement of the feedback on
                  several example specifications.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Barb Hoversten on 9 Jan 2014.
Groups: tools

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