Security-Aware Mapping for Real-Time Distributed Embedded Systems
Chung-Wei Lin

Chung-Wei Lin. "Security-Aware Mapping for Real-Time Distributed Embedded Systems". Tutorial, 21, April, 2014.

Cyber-security has become a critical issue for real-time distributed embedded systems in domains such as automotive, avionics, and industrial automation. However, in many of such systems, the tight resource constraints and strict timing requirements make it difficult or even impossible to add security mechanisms after the initial design stages. To produce secure and safe systems with desired performance, security must be considered together with other objectives at the system level and from the beginning of the design. In this talk, we introduce how to consider security during the design stages for real-time distributed embedded systems. Two real case studies have been done on a Controller Area Network based system and a Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) based system, where both security and timing requirements are met.

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  • HTML
    Chung-Wei Lin. <a
    ><i>Security-Aware Mapping for Real-Time
    Distributed Embedded Systems</i></a>, Tutorial, 
    21, April, 2014.
  • Plain text
    Chung-Wei Lin. "Security-Aware Mapping for Real-Time
    Distributed Embedded Systems". Tutorial,  21, April,
  • BibTeX
        author = {Chung-Wei Lin},
        title = {Security-Aware Mapping for Real-Time Distributed
                  Embedded Systems},
        day = {21},
        month = {April},
        year = {2014},
        abstract = {Cyber-security has become a critical issue for
                  real-time distributed embedded systems in domains
                  such as automotive, avionics, and industrial
                  automation. However, in many of such systems, the
                  tight resource constraints and strict timing
                  requirements make it difficult or even impossible
                  to add security mechanisms after the initial
                  design stages. To produce secure and safe systems
                  with desired performance, security must be
                  considered together with other objectives at the
                  system level and from the beginning of the design.
                  In this talk, we introduce how to consider
                  security during the design stages for real-time
                  distributed embedded systems. Two real case
                  studies have been done on a Controller Area
                  Network based system and a Time Division Multiple
                  Access (TDMA) based system, where both security
                  and timing requirements are met.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Barb Hoversten on 23 Jan 2014.
Groups: tools

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