Aspect-Oriented Modeling for Anomaly Detection and State Estimation
Ilge Akkaya, Edward A. Lee

Ilge Akkaya, Edward A. Lee. "Aspect-Oriented Modeling for Anomaly Detection and State Estimation". Talk or presentation, 13, February, 2014.

The TerraSwarm vision of a swarm of networked sensors and actuators brings about many opportunities in monitoring real-time state in distributed heterogeneous systems and in decision making. However, the advantages are followed by immediate challenges tied to handling high data rates and aggregate failures that may remain undetected in a heterogeneous system setting. We explore machine learning based anomaly detection and state estimation techniques to leverage autonomous fault detection and low-cost system state tracking. We present our progress in a generic machine learning toolkit prototyped in Ptolemy II, that would enable sensor and application developers to utilize machine learning tools for on-line analysis of sensor data. We present a particle filter interface in Ptolemy II within a two-robot target localization example and introduce Hidden-Markov Model estimators that can be integrated with models in an aspect-oriented way.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Ilge Akkaya, Edward A. Lee. <a
    ><i>Aspect-Oriented Modeling for Anomaly Detection
    and State Estimation</i></a>, Talk or
    presentation,  13, February, 2014.
  • Plain text
    Ilge Akkaya, Edward A. Lee. "Aspect-Oriented Modeling
    for Anomaly Detection and State Estimation". Talk or
    presentation,  13, February, 2014.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Ilge Akkaya and Edward A. Lee},
        title = {Aspect-Oriented Modeling for Anomaly Detection and
                  State Estimation},
        day = {13},
        month = {February},
        year = {2014},
        abstract = {The TerraSwarm vision of a swarm of networked
                  sensors and actuators brings about many
                  opportunities in monitoring real-time state in
                  distributed heterogeneous systems and in decision
                  making. However, the advantages are followed by
                  immediate challenges tied to handling high data
                  rates and aggregate failures that may remain
                  undetected in a heterogeneous system setting. We
                  explore machine learning based anomaly detection
                  and state estimation techniques to leverage
                  autonomous fault detection and low-cost system
                  state tracking. We present our progress in a
                  generic machine learning toolkit prototyped in
                  Ptolemy II, that would enable sensor and
                  application developers to utilize machine learning
                  tools for on-line analysis of sensor data. We
                  present a particle filter interface in Ptolemy II
                  within a two-robot target localization example and
                  introduce Hidden-Markov Model estimators that can
                  be integrated with models in an aspect-oriented
                  way. },
        URL = {}

Posted by Ilge Akkaya on 18 Feb 2014.
Groups: tools

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