Stochastic Gradient Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
Tianqi Chen, Emily B. Fox, Carlos Guestrin

Tianqi Chen, Emily B. Fox, Carlos Guestrin. "Stochastic Gradient Hamiltonian Monte Carlo". International Conference on Machine Learning, 21, June, 2014.

Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) sampling methods provide a mechanism for defining distant proposals with high acceptance probabilities in a Metropolis- Hastings framework, enabling more efficient exploration of the state space than standard random-walk proposals. The popularity of such methods has grown significantly in recent years. However, a limitation of HMC methods is the required gradient computation for simulation of the Hamiltonian dynamical system -- such a computation is infeasible in problems involving a large sample size or streaming data. Instead, we must rely on a noisy gradient estimate computed from a subset of the data. In this paper, we explore the properties of such a stochastic gradient HMC approach. Surprisingly, the natural implementation of the stochastic approximation can be arbitrarily bad. To address this problem we introduce a variant that uses second-order Langevin dynamics with a friction term that counteracts the effects of the noisy gradient, maintaining the desired target distribution as the invariant distribution. Results on simulated data validate our theory. We also provide an application of our methods to a classification task using neural networks and to online Bayesian matrix factorization.

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  • HTML
    Tianqi Chen, Emily B. Fox, Carlos Guestrin. <a
    >Stochastic Gradient Hamiltonian Monte Carlo</a>,
    International Conference on Machine Learning, 21, June, 2014.
  • Plain text
    Tianqi Chen, Emily B. Fox, Carlos Guestrin. "Stochastic
    Gradient Hamiltonian Monte Carlo". International
    Conference on Machine Learning, 21, June, 2014.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Tianqi Chen and Emily B. Fox and Carlos Guestrin},
        title = {Stochastic Gradient Hamiltonian Monte Carlo},
        booktitle = {International Conference on Machine Learning},
        day = {21},
        month = {June},
        year = {2014},
        abstract = {Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) sampling methods
                  provide a mechanism for defining distant proposals
                  with high acceptance probabilities in a
                  Metropolis- Hastings framework, enabling more
                  efficient exploration of the state space than
                  standard random-walk proposals. The popularity of
                  such methods has grown significantly in recent
                  years. However, a limitation of HMC methods is the
                  required gradient computation for simulation of
                  the Hamiltonian dynamical system -- such a
                  computation is infeasible in problems involving a
                  large sample size or streaming data. Instead, we
                  must rely on a noisy gradient estimate computed
                  from a subset of the data. In this paper, we
                  explore the properties of such a stochastic
                  gradient HMC approach. Surprisingly, the natural
                  implementation of the stochastic approximation can
                  be arbitrarily bad. To address this problem we
                  introduce a variant that uses second-order
                  Langevin dynamics with a friction term that
                  counteracts the effects of the noisy gradient,
                  maintaining the desired target distribution as the
                  invariant distribution. Results on simulated data
                  validate our theory. We also provide an
                  application of our methods to a classification
                  task using neural networks and to online Bayesian
                  matrix factorization.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Barb Hoversten on 27 Apr 2014.
Groups: services

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