Context-Aware Data Processing to Enhance Quality of Measurements in Wireless Health Systems: An Application to MET Calculation of Exergaming Actions
Bobak Mortazavi, Mohammad Pourhomayoun, Hassan Ghasemzadeh, Roozbeh Jafari, Roberts Christian K., Majid Sarrafzadeh

Bobak Mortazavi, Mohammad Pourhomayoun, Hassan Ghasemzadeh, Roozbeh Jafari, Roberts Christian K., Majid Sarrafzadeh. "Context-Aware Data Processing to Enhance Quality of Measurements in Wireless Health Systems: An Application to MET Calculation of Exergaming Actions". IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2014.

Wireless health systems enable remote and continuous monitoring of individuals, with applications in elderly care support, chronic disease management, and preventive care. The underlying sensing platform provides constructs that consider the quality of information driven from the system and ensure the reliability/validity of the outcomes to support the decision making processes. In this paper, we present an approach to integrate contextual information within the data processing flow in order to improve the quality of measurements. We focus on a pilot application that uses wearable motion sensors to calculate metabolic equivalent of task (MET) of exergaming movements. Exergames need to show energy expenditure values, often using accelerometer approximations applied to general activities. We focus on two contextual factors, namely 'activity type' and 'sensor location', and demonstrate how these factors can be used to enhance the measured values. By placing sensors around the body, it becomes clear that sensors placed closest to the highest areas of movement provide the most accurate approximations. Therefore, allocating larger weights to more informative sensors can improve the final measurements. Further, designing regression models for each activity provides better results than any generalized model. Indeed, the averaged R2 value for the movements using simple sensor location improve from a general :71 to as high as :84 for an individual activity type. The different methods present a range of R2 value averages across activity type from :64 for sensor location to :89 for multidimensional regression, with an average game play MET value of 7:93. Finally, in a leave-one-subject-out cross validation a mean absolute error of 2:231 METs is found when predicting the activity levels using the best models.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Bobak Mortazavi, Mohammad Pourhomayoun, Hassan Ghasemzadeh,
    Roozbeh Jafari, Roberts Christian K., Majid Sarrafzadeh.
    >Context-Aware Data Processing to Enhance Quality of
    Measurements in Wireless Health Systems: An Application to
    MET Calculation of Exergaming Actions</a>,
    <i>IEEE Internet of Things Journal</i>,  2014.
  • Plain text
    Bobak Mortazavi, Mohammad Pourhomayoun, Hassan Ghasemzadeh,
    Roozbeh Jafari, Roberts Christian K., Majid Sarrafzadeh.
    "Context-Aware Data Processing to Enhance Quality of
    Measurements in Wireless Health Systems: An Application to
    MET Calculation of Exergaming Actions". <i>IEEE
    Internet of Things Journal</i>,  2014.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Bobak Mortazavi and Mohammad Pourhomayoun and
                  Hassan Ghasemzadeh and Roozbeh Jafari and Roberts
                  Christian K. and Majid Sarrafzadeh},
        title = {Context-Aware Data Processing to Enhance Quality
                  of Measurements in Wireless Health Systems: An
                  Application to MET Calculation of Exergaming
        journal = {IEEE Internet of Things Journal},
        year = {2014},
        abstract = {Wireless health systems enable remote and
                  continuous monitoring of individuals, with
                  applications in elderly care support, chronic
                  disease management, and preventive care. The
                  underlying sensing platform provides constructs
                  that consider the quality of information driven
                  from the system and ensure the
                  reliability/validity of the outcomes to support
                  the decision making processes. In this paper, we
                  present an approach to integrate contextual
                  information within the data processing flow in
                  order to improve the quality of measurements. We
                  focus on a pilot application that uses wearable
                  motion sensors to calculate metabolic equivalent
                  of task (MET) of exergaming movements. Exergames
                  need to show energy expenditure values, often
                  using accelerometer approximations applied to
                  general activities. We focus on two contextual
                  factors, namely 'activity type' and 'sensor
                  location', and demonstrate how these factors can
                  be used to enhance the measured values. By placing
                  sensors around the body, it becomes clear that
                  sensors placed closest to the highest areas of
                  movement provide the most accurate approximations.
                  Therefore, allocating larger weights to more
                  informative sensors can improve the final
                  measurements. Further, designing regression models
                  for each activity provides better results than any
                  generalized model. Indeed, the averaged R2 value
                  for the movements using simple sensor location
                  improve from a general :71 to as high as :84 for
                  an individual activity type. The different methods
                  present a range of R2 value averages across
                  activity type from :64 for sensor location to :89
                  for multidimensional regression, with an average
                  game play MET value of 7:93. Finally, in a
                  leave-one-subject-out cross validation a mean
                  absolute error of 2:231 METs is found when
                  predicting the activity levels using the best
                  models. },
        URL = {}

Posted by Barb Hoversten on 27 Jun 2014.

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