MBus: A 17.5 pJ/bit/chip Portable Interconnect Bus for Millimeter-Scale Sensor Systems with 8 nW Standby Power
Ye-Sheng Kuo, Pat Pannuto, Gyouho Kim, zhiyoong foo, Inhee Lee, Benjamin Kempke, Prabal Dutta, David Blaauw, Yoonmyung Lee

Ye-Sheng Kuo, Pat Pannuto, Gyouho Kim, zhiyoong foo, Inhee Lee, Benjamin Kempke, Prabal Dutta, David Blaauw, Yoonmyung Lee. "MBus: A 17.5 pJ/bit/chip Portable Interconnect Bus for Millimeter-Scale Sensor Systems with 8 nW Standby Power". Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, IEEE, 14, September, 2014.

We propose an ultra-low power interconnect bus for millimeter scale wireless sensor nodes. Using only 4 IO pads, the bus minimizes the required chip real estate, enabling ultrasmall form factors in modular sensor node designs. Low power is achieved using a "clockless" design of member nodes while aggressive power gating allows an ultra-low power standby mode with only 53 gates powered on. An integrated wakeup scheme is compatible with PMUs that have a special low power standby mode. The MBus is fully synthesizable and uses robust timing. Implemented in a 3 module system in 180nm technology, Mbus achieves 8nW of standby power and 17.5 pJ/bit/chip.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Ye-Sheng Kuo, Pat Pannuto, Gyouho Kim, zhiyoong foo, Inhee
    Lee, Benjamin Kempke, Prabal Dutta, David Blaauw, Yoonmyung
    Lee. <a
    >MBus: A 17.5 pJ/bit/chip Portable Interconnect Bus for
    Millimeter-Scale Sensor Systems with 8 nW Standby
    Power</a>, Custom Integrated Circuits Conference,
    IEEE, 14, September, 2014.
  • Plain text
    Ye-Sheng Kuo, Pat Pannuto, Gyouho Kim, zhiyoong foo, Inhee
    Lee, Benjamin Kempke, Prabal Dutta, David Blaauw, Yoonmyung
    Lee. "MBus: A 17.5 pJ/bit/chip Portable Interconnect
    Bus for Millimeter-Scale Sensor Systems with 8 nW Standby
    Power". Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, IEEE,
    14, September, 2014.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Ye-Sheng Kuo and Pat Pannuto and Gyouho Kim and
                  zhiyoong foo and Inhee Lee and Benjamin Kempke and
                  Prabal Dutta and David Blaauw and Yoonmyung Lee},
        title = {MBus: A 17.5 pJ/bit/chip Portable Interconnect Bus
                  for Millimeter-Scale Sensor Systems with 8 nW
                  Standby Power},
        booktitle = {Custom Integrated Circuits Conference},
        organization = {IEEE},
        day = {14},
        month = {September},
        year = {2014},
        abstract = {We propose an ultra-low power interconnect bus for
                  millimeter scale wireless sensor nodes. Using only
                  4 IO pads, the bus minimizes the required chip
                  real estate, enabling ultrasmall form factors in
                  modular sensor node designs. Low power is achieved
                  using a "clockless" design of member nodes while
                  aggressive power gating allows an ultra-low power
                  standby mode with only 53 gates powered on. An
                  integrated wakeup scheme is compatible with PMUs
                  that have a special low power standby mode. The
                  MBus is fully synthesizable and uses robust
                  timing. Implemented in a 3 module system in 180nm
                  technology, Mbus achieves 8nW of standby power and
                  17.5 pJ/bit/chip.},
        URL = {http://terraswarm.org/pubs/328.html}

Posted by Barb Hoversten on 27 Jun 2014.

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