Demonstration Abstract: Upper Body Motion Capture System Using Inertial Sensors
Jian Wu, Zhanyu Wang, Suraj Raghuraman, Balakrishnan Prabhakaran, Roozbeh Jafari

Jian Wu, Zhanyu Wang, Suraj Raghuraman, Balakrishnan Prabhakaran, Roozbeh Jafari. "Demonstration Abstract: Upper Body Motion Capture System Using Inertial Sensors". IPSN, 16, April, 2014.

Motion capture plays an important role in interactive gaming, animation, film industry and navigation. The existing camera-based motion capture studios are expensive and require a clear line of sight; hence they cannot be applied to ubiquitous applications. With the rapid development of low-cost MEMS sensors and sensor fusion techniques, the inertial sensor based motion capture systems are attracting a lot of attention because of the seamless deployment, low system cost and the comparable accuracy they provide. In this paper, we demonstrate a wireless real-time inertial motion capture system.

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  • HTML
    Jian Wu, Zhanyu Wang, Suraj Raghuraman, Balakrishnan
    Prabhakaran, Roozbeh Jafari. <a
    >Demonstration Abstract: Upper Body Motion Capture System
    Using Inertial Sensors</a>, IPSN, 16, April, 2014.
  • Plain text
    Jian Wu, Zhanyu Wang, Suraj Raghuraman, Balakrishnan
    Prabhakaran, Roozbeh Jafari. "Demonstration Abstract:
    Upper Body Motion Capture System Using Inertial
    Sensors". IPSN, 16, April, 2014.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Jian Wu and Zhanyu Wang and Suraj Raghuraman and
                  Balakrishnan Prabhakaran and Roozbeh Jafari},
        title = {Demonstration Abstract: Upper Body Motion Capture
                  System Using Inertial Sensors},
        booktitle = {IPSN},
        day = {16},
        month = {April},
        year = {2014},
        abstract = {Motion capture plays an important role in
                  interactive gaming, animation, film industry and
                  navigation. The existing camera-based motion
                  capture studios are expensive and require a clear
                  line of sight; hence they cannot be applied to
                  ubiquitous applications. With the rapid
                  development of low-cost MEMS sensors and sensor
                  fusion techniques, the inertial sensor based
                  motion capture systems are attracting a lot of
                  attention because of the seamless deployment, low
                  system cost and the comparable accuracy they
                  provide. In this paper, we demonstrate a wireless
                  real-time inertial motion capture system.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Barb Hoversten on 1 Jul 2014.

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